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Posts posted by Billbo

  1. Hello guys...this is not a rant about bandits or pvp but i wanna share my last 4 hours with some people and hear similar tales of success or failure

    So i just respawned and being a fairly new player...had little idea where i was...i knew this town before...and proceeded to the nearest industrial building and to my luck located a axe and a dead player freshly looted....

    This got my nerves running..

    After crawling in the town for about half a hour trying to locate a open house i found one...located a can of pasta and another dead body inside...with a crossbow and 3 bolts on his body i took them and headed off

    After walking for about 1 hour northish (no clue) i stumbled into another town...i did read somewhere about possible snipers...so i took my time and looked around and foolishly presumed my safety...heading towards a barn...no less then 50m away...i hear a awful crack and my screen blurs....he missed his shot...and i scrambled in the barn.

    Not taking my chances of running against a possible sniper...i sat and waited...taking the chance to eat my pasta and chug a pepsi i found...waiting for what seemed forever...(about 10 mins...)the player i presume shot me....walked into the barn.....scared shitless...i loaded my crossbow and prepared to die...

    He turned....my life flashed before me...i fired first and scored a leg shot....he fired...i hit the deck and passed out...but by luck he also passed out

    I woke first and left in a hurry after stopping the bleeding....(i regret not finshing him but it was the first time i ever saw a live player)and headed into the woods..

    Shortly after i found a deer stand?(correct?)...and climbed in...and found a ak 74...with a 30 round clip...and just as i pick it up...a ungodly crack was heard...and i was killed instantly . the short life of a newbie who went toe to toe with someone for the first time
