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Everything posted by Incompatibility

  1. Incompatibility

    Is it meant to be Hardcore PVP?

    Yup PvP troll game explains this pretty well. But unlike you, I wish to seek vengeance against my trolls instead of QQ about my lost inventory.
  2. Incompatibility

    Trading for a vehicle?

    How do we know you won't just snipe us out of the vehicle with the juicy AS50?
  3. Incompatibility

    Trolling Me To Death

    None of my animals disappeared. Try shooting from farther away.
  4. Incompatibility

    Global Banned after update?

    What exactly do these scripts accomplish? Is it like CS noclip or like spawn hacking?
  5. Incompatibility

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    It's k Dr. Phil, I managed to make it out alive but this time I need a trans at the northern barracks. I would prefer if you do it or someone else you trust because I have some rare loot on me. I'm willing to part with it if you come to my aid.
  6. Incompatibility

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Could use a blood transfusion and some extra medical supplies in the north western airfield. Currently located inside of the north barracks of the airfield.
  7. Incompatibility

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    Dr. Phil, I could use a little assistance please. After I was healed up, we headed to Cherno and subsequently to the firehouse. We reached the top of the tower when a player spawned right behind me. My friend shot him with the M16 he retrieved from the top, but the spawned player managed to get a few shots in me. I bandaged myself and healed my broken bones but I need a blood transfusion. I panicked when I got shot so after I healed myself, I disconnected, not realizing I would be unconcious when I return. If you're wondering why my savior can't help me again, he left after shooting the M16, as it would probably attract other players, probably causing both of us to die. ATM he's waiting outside Cherno.
  8. Incompatibility

    My name is Dr. Phil, and I'm here to help you.

    Yea just today I was sitting in a barn waiting for my slow ass group members to get to me and give me a blood trans. I was sitting at 1000 blood for about an hour in the top of that barn, shooting the occasional zombie that would stble upon my humble abode. I was contemplating suicide but then another player showed up. He had an enfield and revolver, while I had a sniper rifle and revolver. The upgrade was simple. I said I needed a blood trans and he obliged, I offered him one of my blood packs of he did it, but he didn't take it. He told me he used to be a bandit and was tired of murdering people. I should have died but people sometimes have changes of heart.
  9. Incompatibility

    Low FPS only on DayZ

    Are you using the steam version? And could you please explain what you did to gain such a large fps boost?
  10. I'm interested, however I'm only one guy unattached to other clans/groups.