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Grimlok (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Grimlok (DayZ)

  1. Grimlok (DayZ)

    0/0 SERVERS in six launcher and dayz commander

    Gamespy is crap. Always has been.
  2. Grimlok (DayZ)

    hacker on norway 16

    Way to post in the right place. Me and my team will get right on this. Cheat team! ASSEMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  3. Grimlok (DayZ)


    Please find a different game. You are making this place terrible.
  4. There is no PK problem. /thread
  5. Sounds like you chickend out. lol, at least have the balls to use the hack. IMO you are just a moron who got caught and are now trying to make amends. Go on somewhere else with the sob story.
  6. You cant be banned for using hacked weapons if you did not spawn them, if you took them from the hacker they are yours. Fair game. Its not cheating.
  7. Grimlok (DayZ)

    ALT-F4 will never be fixed

  8. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Hacker on Freeside 2

    Getting way too defensive. Usually if you werent guilty you would be calm cool and collected.
  9. Grimlok (DayZ)

    ALT-F4 will never be fixed

    Moral of the story is OP is a fag. Go find somewhere else to cry about things.
  10. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    Thats actually Black Metal. As now i see he is from sweden, and my family hails from sweden. Aint nothing wrong with Black Metal and corpse paint.
  11. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    lol OP just wants attention. Who cares what you have or have not done? Keep it to yourself.
  12. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    Dat spelling amuzes me.
  13. Grimlok (DayZ)

    How do I Alt+F4?

    This is sad. ITT: People who ruin the game for others.
  14. As i said in a previous post. LewisUK sounds like a megafag. Him and his entire clan. Why allow that many people into your clan if you dont have the time to give them a trial period and actually see if they would make a good member? It sounds to me like you lured people out into the open for a clan invite and then killed them for the stuff they had.
  15. Grimlok (DayZ)

    i have lost all hope :(

    Are you a wizard?
  16. More cheaters trying to get the server admins in trouble. People like you guys make me sick. i support Addles 100%.
  17. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Hey LewisUK leader of 101st

    Sounds like lewis is a megafag.
  18. lol clan members trying to defend themselves duping items.
  19. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Who are the people who seal off buildings?

    This. Guy must enjoy seeing his own name. Must be an ego thing.
  20. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Dirty admin on US 275

    This, this, this all damn day. You have my beans.
  21. The evidence is clear here. Please ban these people and blacklist the server so the [HF] clan can get some justice. This has gone on long enough.
  22. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Alt F4 is it okay in this situation?

    Attatched to your gear huh? lol its babys like you who ruin the mod for people.
  23. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Day Z is soon to be dead

  24. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Please For The Love of God.

    HaroldSax/Lee? The guy who used to be in the 101st Airborne with Oebel and Seelye? Is that you?
  25. Grimlok (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    WoW Style. Or Game Purchase only. If you go free to play expect to lose a lot of your fanbase, rofl.