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Grimlok (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Grimlok (DayZ)

  1. So why are you making threads stating the obvious? If you take a look down at the cheat reporting section you can come to this conclusion on your own.
  2. Grimlok (DayZ)

    US 470 Camp.

    To the owners of the camp on US 470 Atlanta, just north of Devils Castle. My bad. I did not mean to flatten all the tents and destroy all the vehicles. I just couldnt help myself.
  3. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Accidental Ban on US153 - "HookedOnPwnics"

    Good to see there are some good server admins out there. You have my beans sir.
  4. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Can i put ghilli suit on?

    Ive found a few in some tents but never took them because i believed they were hacked, but my friend took one off a dead player and it does work, although i rather not make myself a bigger target for everyone by slapping it on.
  5. Had this happen several times, also had this happen and it spawned me outside the main map in complete nothing, no trees or anything at all. Good thing i had a map or i would have just killed myself.
  6. Sounds pretty sweet, now i just need a better story. Im not gonna be one of those guys that makes one up to try and win lol.
  7. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Hey bandits, just a thought

    go on...
  8. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Convince me NOT to KoS

    Too many of these threads already, so instead of convincing you to do anything, im just gonna say this. OH LOOK, its this thread again.
  9. Grimlok (DayZ)

    WarZ much better game then DayZ

    So what you are saying is that an easy game that you dont have to worry about dying in appeals to you more? Then just leave here and never come back.
  10. Grimlok (DayZ)

    WarZ much better game then DayZ

    I doubt the MMO style of WarZ will bring anything to the table that will interest DayZ fans. Sorry to disappoint you Elexo.
  11. Grimlok (DayZ)

    WarZ much better game then DayZ

    Troll post. 0/10
  12. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Would like to apologize

    Why give him anything when he Alt+F4'd? people like him ruin the game. He should be killed more. and more. and more. Until he stops playing the game.
  13. Grimlok (DayZ)

    All players teleported to one location and killed

    Take the crying somewhere else. Everyone knows about the hacker influx. Check the cheap reports section. Im tired of seeing people like you just register to complain on the damn forums. Who the hell cares? No one is doing anything about it right now. So...? Do you plan to keep crying until something happens? or just not worry about it and wait for it to get fixed?
  14. Grimlok (DayZ)

    For the millionth time magazines are NOT clips!

    Clip or Mag, its all referring to the same thing. If you want to have a fit over it, be my guest. It wont stop people from saying clip/mag. So....why bother?
  15. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Hackers are ruining the game

    Oh look, this thread again.
  16. Grimlok (DayZ)

    I'm Out

    tl;dr Bye.
  17. Grimlok (DayZ)

    All players teleported to one location and killed

    Wrong location to post.
  18. Grimlok (DayZ)

    DayZ is a giant Troll.

    No. /thread
  19. Grimlok (DayZ)


    I found several in a camp in the woods outside Cherno, horrible place to keep 7-10 tents full of the best stuff. Drank it like a boss.
  20. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Hackers Destroying DayZ

    You're a terrible troll.
  21. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Are Boats Worth It?

    i dont think its worth it to be honest. The island is heavly trecked through, and any tents or camps there will be raided in less than 30 minutes of them being put up lol.
  22. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Ugh. This is frustrating!

    This. If that PC does not have onboard sound it does not sound very good. rofl.
  23. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Map markers

    I believe if you are close enough to another player with a map they will see them when you place them.
  24. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Any safe servers?

    There is no such thing as safe in DayZ /thread