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Grimlok (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Grimlok (DayZ)

  1. Grimlok (DayZ)

    yet another cheater video....

    How about a shorter video? I find this to be boring.
  2. Grimlok (DayZ)

    M4A1 CCO SD For trade.

    Its a trap.
  3. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Log Examples [hacking]

    Either way the script is useless without a bypass for battleye. So even if it was the full script it would be an instant ban if anyone used it.
  4. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Would this run dayz?

    Hell neither was i until i built the computer myself, i must have scrapped like 20+ parts list before i even ordered the parts. if you have the money go for it OP, my first gaming PC was from IBuyPower about 8 years ago, they are a good company.
  5. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Would this run dayz?

    Dont buy a computer from CyberPower or IBuyPower. I built one of the PC's offered by both of them that they are selling for like a grand and change for $750. My advice, build your own. Its cheaper, and a lot more fun.
  6. Grimlok (DayZ)

    BAF soldier uniform

    I was confused about the question, i see that you fixed what you said lol. Let me see if i can find one somewhere.
  7. Grimlok (DayZ)

    BAF soldier uniform

    Do you mean you want a script that spawns you with the BAF uniform?
  8. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Just banned 3 hackers

    Lamest story i ever heard. Take it somewhere else kid. HOG does not abuse admin. You obviously dont know a lot about the community that runs the server you play on.
  9. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Just banned 3 hackers

    Nice catch HOG! I used to play on your PR server a lot back in the day. Im glad to see you guys expanded into DayZ.
  10. Grimlok (DayZ)


    What would give you the impression that this was hacked in? He had good loot. He wasnt a hacker.
  11. Grimlok (DayZ)

    why do people complain about disconnecting?

    Its people like you who ruin this game.
  12. Yes, yes and yes. This needs to be implemented. I cant stand server hopping, and people who do it.
  13. Asking for hacked in items. urcoolbro
  14. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Train... Hear me out

    Pretty awesome idea. I like it.
  15. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Death Command

    So stand there and wait to die. Because the respawn has been taken out.
  16. Grimlok (DayZ)

    ADD a Jungle MAP

    There is no point in future ideas when things need to be focused on now.
  17. ROFL You lost all respect when you said Left 4 Dead. Just no. We dont need super mutant zombies who shoot fire out their nose and smoke out their ass.
  18. Grimlok (DayZ)


    all in good fun bro :D
  19. Grimlok (DayZ)


  20. Grimlok (DayZ)

    BLACKWOLF player Hacking

    No proof.
  21. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Hacking is out of control

    CPT Obvious never takes a break it seems.
  22. Grimlok (DayZ)

    Will I be able to run?! Please help!

    Get a better computer.