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Everything posted by vremy

  1. Yesterday I was enjoying dayz as normal, the game was running completely fine. After I took a break for about an hour I started up dayz via sixlauncher and the game looked like this http://puu.sh/KZrk // http://i.imgur.com/P5K0M.png // Changing the settings does nothing and I've already reinstalled the game. I've searched the web for this problem and haven't found a solution so I was wondering if someone could help me. Thanks.. - R
  2. I've messed with both the resolution and 3d multiple times. I've matched them up, turned them down.. etc..
  3. Bump. Sorry for the bump but i really need help.
  4. Is there a way to do this out side of the game? I cant see which ones to click and change because its so blurry. i'll try unistalling my drivers and reinstalling. Arma is blurry aswell. I'll post hardware when I am home. How do I reset default? And it's the steam version. It is both the hud and graphical artifacts. I'll post them when I'm home.