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arithor (DayZ)

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Everything posted by arithor (DayZ)

  1. Greetings Heroes and Bandits! --------------------------------------------------------------- We are a brand new server and are looking for additional regular players for our 70 man server! Set up your bases / homes here and you will quickly learn that this server is the right spot for you or your team! Bring your friends, bring your clan or unit and make our server your home. --------------------------------------------------------------- Features: - 70 player server - Day/Night 4 hour / 1 hour GMT -5 - Active and Friendly Admins -Zero Admin Abuse Policy - Anti-Hack scripts to keep the hackers at bay! --------------------------------------------------------------- Server Rules: We do not tolerate discrimination or flaming Anyone abusing any glitches or exploits will be kicked/banned We do not allow cheaters! This includes bug abuse, duping, botting, hacking or just other general douchebagery Fail to follow these rules with result in kick/temp-ban or perma-ban Follow these simple rules and Enjoy Working together or Killing your opposition! --------------------------------------------------------------- Server info / Settings: Game: Arma 2 Mod: DayZ Orgins Server Name: Magnificent Bastards Dayz Origins Foxhole Server IP: Difficulty: [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][4HR DAY/NIGHT|4 HOUR RESTART] Map: Taviana 3 If you are tired of losing your home on your favorite server, look no further this server will stand the test of time! 70 man low ping server with a brand new data base! Visit Our Website: http://www.codekillers.net Or visit our forums: http://www.codekillers.net/smf/index.php
  2. We are still looking for more players, come check our server out we are looking to max the 70 player pop!
  3. Hey warmongerelite, I suggest you play on the server and we'll take it from there, as you have all fourteen of your posts regarding wanting to play with different people. We tend to recruit people after we have played with them and see if they fit our community rather than the other way around. Apex
  4. Please vote, after playing quite awhile I was thinking of the issues as I've seen and what I personally feel holds Dayz back from legendary game status. I have been kicking the idea of starting another server with a modified rule set.
  5. A thank you to all who have posted I am seriously considering running another server on a private hive with this rule set. If I do get it all together I'll post the info here on the boards.
  6. The obvious point to the server would be to play DayZ as it was meant, with no duping, no instant restock of items. Having to chuck flares and use glow sticks at night, in my opinion would make the game more interesting, fresh, exciting. Requiring the player base to go back to looting areas for gear, to enforce player vs player conflict instead of going back to one of your twenty tents to re-gear. Realistically to attempt a return to what DayZ was supposed to be in its purest form instead of the dupefest hackathon it has turned into with everyone but nubs owning every choice piece of gear the loot list offers at will. I play the game honest only picking up what I find in the spawns or on the dead and sometimes for quick action re-gearing at tents heading right back to the fight. It would be my pleasure to run / play on a server that people actually coveted their hard found / won gear and actively played in the areas meant to attract players for loot / conflict without duping.
  7. To clarify: There would be vehicles, simply no tents to dupe gear, no nightvision, gps or thermal gear available. It would be a private hive so you could not introduce this gear to the server without hacking and ban if found with it.
  8. I was the first one to die in that one sided fire fight and I spent the next hour or so after the restart getting re-equiped. Hacker or not who killed you, I can assure you as the main admin that the server restart had nothing to do with you killing us. There are restarts every eight hours to keep the server from derping, the schedule is EST -1 for day light savings starting at 12am. I will admit though that one burned a bit after I spent a lot of time loading that truck with all those weapons to distribute to community members. The reason we were sitting there was one group crashed the car on its side at that location into a late spawning road block, killing the driver and wounding the two passengers. I was there as the rescue team and just had gotten them back on their feet. Good job, that was truely a WTF moment for me, lol! On a side note feel free to bring your team back to play there we don't reset the server after battles or anything like that, we enjoy the fight. I died in Electro three times yesterday fighting another group of players it was a blast.
  9. Code Killer's home page http://www.codekillers.net The Code Killers is a mercenary unit that is currently "freelancing" in the world of Day Z. We value teamwork, communication & kicking a$$! We have a small tight group of members that have been together since 2008-09. If you are interested in becoming a part of a gaming community, who value having fun and being competitive. Come play with us in-game or post in our public recruitment forum. You can reach me via steam@arithor We are currently playing in US servers and are looking to build a competitive branch here within Day Z. ~Apex
  10. arithor (DayZ)

    Code Killer's are recruiting

    The Code Killers is a mercenary unit that is currently "freelancing" in the world of Day Z. We value teamwork, communication & kicking a$$! We have a small tight group of members that have been together since 2008-09. If you are interested in becoming a part of a gaming community, who value having fun and being competitive. Come play with us in-game or post in our public recruitment forum. We are looking for experienced players who border survivor / bandit status. If you cant read a map, can't get from one end of the map to the other one your own, don't know what equipment you need to carry, how to survive, freak out if you die or lack the ability to restock your gear we are not the group for you. If you can hold your own, communicate tactically, watch your teammate's six, die and jump right back in ready to go for more, come post an app. We are a full game community with our own, Server US 2503, Mumble server, website and forums. Code Killer's home page http://www.codekillers.net Some background information on the Code Killers: The Code Killers are a merc unit that was left over from the days before the zed incursion, when wars were fought and won by those countries with the fattest wallets. We were one of those teams that started off with a few guys from this branch of the military then picked up a guy or two for the team from that branch. Before you knew it we had hard cases and lifers from just about every branch and nation around. We worked for money and by money I mean gold, because we both know, that we knew then the shit was hitting the fan and the only good paper was going to be was for wiping your ass. So yea we were pretty well off when it really hit the fan and the dead rose and chewed your buddies freaking face off. Now here we are in this god forsaken shit hole, with some maggot bag with a hard on tryin to take a bite out of your ass and mine. Not to mention the tards shooting the first thing they see moving alive or dead. We're not the good guys but were not like these other douche bags either. We wont shoot you for your pack, but we will shoot you before you shoot us. So if you run into us declare your intent or take one between the eyes because I'm not waiting to see if you shoot first, thats for dumb asses. Sure if we have adequate distance and cover I'll ask if your nice before I shoot, but if we turn the corner on each other your going down hard. So thats pretty much it in a nut shell, We can play nice given the right circumstances or play rough when the hard asses come calling. ~Apex We value and practice: Radio silence and control, if you cant shut the fuck up you wont last long, because if I get a chunk out of my ass because you have diarrhea of the mouth your zed toast. Tactics: If you cannot listen to and learn from the people who know their shit, guess what? Yea, your zed toast. Gear: Easy as shit to get gear don't worry about that, we got you covered, we'll get you hooked up. Jokes: We got them, Always need them, just make sure when its time to shut the F-up you do so. For you other guys out there running your crews, we feel you, we see where your at, want to hook up set some shit up? Sure, you know how to get me. Questions?
  11. arithor (DayZ)

    Are tents\cars saving on your server?

    No tents save / cars revert
  12. Same issue, data base is not saving correctly, tents disappear and vehicles revert to original pre-repaired status. We also seem to be having excessive server / data base desyncing, anyone seeing this?
  13. arithor (DayZ)

    Vehicles are not saving at all

    Same issue, data base is not saving correctly, tents disappear and vehicles revert to original pre-repaired status.
  14. arithor (DayZ) Tents and Vehicle Inventories not saving.

    The question is can we apply this fix to our managed server and not have an issue with hive / whitelisting & our hosts?
  15. arithor (DayZ)

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    I can confirm that last night at 4:55PM EST after we restarted our server with an instance ID over 8000 that vehicles did indeed spawn. Upon server restart however those vehicles reappear at their original locations unrepaired. We also still have tents disappearing upon server reset and are experiencing excessive server connection issues and hive desyncing.
  16. arithor (DayZ)

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Tents are not saving and disappear after server restart, vehicles are not spawning. Our Server ID is above 8k. Will keep posting to the server forum to update, its day 2 without vehicles for us. Fifteen + community members are monitoring the server for vehicle spawns.
  17. arithor (DayZ) Tents and Vehicle Inventories not saving.

    New server here, no vehicles are spawning, tents are not saving in fact they are disappearing completely upon server restart. US 2503 Dallas Veteran Code Killers
  18. Playing and enjoying but dealing with dying to hackers at least twice a week which goes without saying is pissing me / us (community) off.
  19. I second Loque, I am a new DayZ admin and would love either a link that details how to identify portions of the log or a lesson in Arma 2 logs. I have hosted COD1 and COD2 servers in the past but never Arma. Unlike COD we cannot simply spectate and decipher who to ban due to script use by observing them in-game or expect anti-cheat systems to do our work for us. TYIA Apex
  20. Hey Corbin welcome and good luck! CK is waiting on a server since Sunday and hope to have a long standing relationship with you gentlemen! Apex
  21. arithor (DayZ)

    US 790 Seeks Clans, Squads and Fire Teams

    This sounds interesting to participate in, but why not just make everyone in the server meet in Cherno or Electro to verify no one has gear before starting the event? My group would probably like to be involved in this event but most of us play all week long. Your asking people who love the game not to play it, that to me makes little sense. How about you ask that players who wish to participate must all respawn in cherno? Have a designated time and safe zone where all players on the server must meet prior to starting the event to verify nub status. Then restart the server and let the teams leave from said safe point.
  22. arithor (DayZ)

    Code Killer's are recruiting

    Code Killers are looking for a few more experienced players for Day Z. Visit www.codekillers.net and fill out a quick app!
  23. arithor (DayZ)

    Experienced player LFG

    Hey Vokul, We are recruiting experienced players we have a player base of roughly twenty people at this point we are only recruiting seasoned players. We have forums, a mumble server, website and are discussing server options. Fill out a quick app @ www.codekillers.net. Apex
  24. arithor (DayZ)

    Looking for survivors to roll with

    Hey guys, We are not bandits but we are not in the business of getting face stomped by other teams either. We go by the rules: Avoid if possible, engage if target or situation requires action. I am part of a small gaming community who is expanding a new division in Day Z. We have already picked up about twenty players and would like to bring in enough solid players to have 2-3 small groups coordinating together on a larger objective at any given time. We have forums, a mumble server a website and will soon have our own server. We have a mature no douche policy and community who choose it members, we all work together. Fill out a quick ap at http://www.codekillers.net and we'll get you set up as a recruit. We have members from the North America and Europe. In-game name: |CK| Apex CK Website: http://www.codekillers.net