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About Exiiile

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Exiiile

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    In the industry? Sure. You make games for consumers to make money. Here though? He's making his game, his anti-game, his passion. Regardless of if it is good game design or not is irrelevant, because it is what he, as a person who loves doing what he does, wants to do. This game is going to get harder, and with each successive update where something does increase in difficulty, the mod will continue to lose more potential members than it gains/retains. And that's fine. Pray to God that this *isn't* like every other game on the market, nor does it need to (nor should it) conform to all of their standards.
  2. Exiiile

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    EDIT: This post is about what Virfortis posted, if you do not wish to see any more talk about it, jump over my post! As nicely constructed as Virfrotis' grievance was, I hope you disregard it. Currently, and possibly forevermore, 'casual' (whichever wide definition you give to this word) gamers are going to outnumber the 'hardcore' gamers. This is a mod and a place (a home for you, as you've stated) where the hardcore can call home as well. Like an atheist (or theist) swimming in a sea of the opposite, this is one of the few places we have left to enjoy what we enjoy; the hardcore experience. Is the term 'carebear' derogatory? Yes. Is it an apt description for what it's being used to describe? Mostly, yes. Casuals (and not in a malicious way, it's fine that they enjoy gaming a different way than I/We do) are destroying the market for hardcore experience. I see (and I hope you as well) see no issue in poking fun of the demographic that is causing many to have to seek refuge in the far corners of the Earth to enjoy something. You wrote something along the lines of "And your tears will be delicious" next to the Winchester nerf, and personally I'd like to see that same type of written commitment to ensuring this mod is nothing but the most brash anti-game it can be. This team is creating a baby, it's a joy and a passion not only for you to make (I hope), but for us to play as well. Have fun doing what you love to do, and feel free to be humorous in whatever way you deem funny as well. You guys are devils, damn sadistic devils for making this game, but that's why I assume most of us are here. And that's why most of us will stay.
  3. EDIT: I'm an idiot. Made Steam run as Admin and it works now. Title explains my issue rather well. Steam is set to have the overlay enabled, and it works in other games (even non steam games like Diablo 3, SC2, etc.), but for whatever reason it wont display in ARMA 2. Any ideas? (Apologies if this isn't an appropriate place to post a steam related issue, but there seemed to be no aid on the Steam forums.)
  4. But the thing was, the coast was to my right and I was running North. I then stopped, turned West, and ran West for a very small amount of time. There's no possible way I ran off the edge of the map! That all said though, I did fix it, so huzzah!
  5. Respawn would just kill me and, when I'd make a new character, the world would still be barren. I did manage to fix it, however. I simply defaulted all my video settings and that seemed to do the trick! =)
  6. The thing is though, this all seemed to happen seamlessly. It wasn't barren in all directions when I left the forest, the forest was still there, but every other part of the game world is barren. In that way, it makes no sense that it'd be a driver error.
  7. EDIT: Fixed by resetting all video settings. Hey all, got a cute little problem here. I originally installed everything correctly, no error messages, and I've played for a few hours. Today I get on and go walking through a forest and eventually the forest stops. I keep walking through massive rolling plains that have no vegetation or trees or buildings. I keep walking.... and walking.... and walking. It starts to dawn on me that there's still no vegetation, no trees, no nothing. Just green. I walked all the way to coast line and there's no railroad tracks, I've walked to the one island there is in the South East, and there's nothing on it, nothing around it. Nothing is anywhere. I've verified integrity of both ARMA 2 and OA and I've tried making new profiles but... nothing seems to work. Any ideas?