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About Hawkin

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  1. Hawkin

    Cant install any mods in dayz commander

    please help me common
  2. i can t install any mods because of this and it never completes i have redownloaded armadoesnt help .
  3. Ohhh i found the problem. I just had to put arma 2 files into arma 2 oa folder ! << this fixed for me
  4. But i cant play other mods to. like overwatch anyways installing it manuali didnt work.
  5. Always when i try to join dayz server i get an error " Addon 'CAMisc_fix_str' requitres addon 'CAStructuresHouse_a_Office01' " And then it continiues and then it says " You were kicked off the game " and it does it with every servers and mod. I use Dayz Commander to connect to servers. And i use steam. Please help !! :(
  6. Hawkin

    Cant repair helichopter.

    but it doesnt even start but it doesnt even start
  7. Hawkin

    Cant repair helichopter.

    yes i have all in my main inventory both take 6 slots. And doesnt matter how fast i can never see them.
  8. Always if i try repairing helichopter it only shows me to repair glass if i have Mroat red and engine to . IT always shows me glass or nothing. within 2 weeks i havent been able to fix 7 helichopter because of that **** what i have to do . Am i doing something wrong?
  9. Hawkin

    My dayzi has low fps.

    i put them GPU_MaxFramesAhead=0; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; and they change to GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; or sometimes both 0
  10. Hawkin

    My dayzi has low fps.

    If i change GPU_MaxFramesAhead=0; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1;it changes automatically back dunno why
  11. Computer spec: Processor: Intel core i7-3610QM 8 cpu 2.3GHz trubo to 3.2 Memory: 8gb ddr3 Graphics:Nvidia Geforce gt 650M hard drive:Toshiba MK7559GSXP 750gb 5400rpm if i put settings low i am 25 fps and if very high i am like 15-20 This is strange isnt this computer enough for dayZ O:!!!! I can play all the other games just fine with high settings.