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About seannybgoode

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  1. This is exactly why characters should be locked to a server for 24h. Friends will be forced to play on the same server, again adding to the commitment to a single community, instead of letting people hop from instance to instance. Other MMOs use locking features to great success. Like Eve's 24 hour wait on jump clones.
  2. Spoken like a true battle logging loot farmer. How is fixing something that is obviously broken and an unintended side effect "complaining"? Rest assured, this stuff will get fixed.
  3. TerrorRO 1 . People will adjust to the server situation. What's the problem with being stuck on a server for 24/h in clan v clan? There's no problem with this. DayZ is a game played over many days anyway. 2. People don't play at night because it's difficult, and there's no reason to when you can just hop servers as the sun goes down. People need to play at night or the game is broken. It is intended that people play at night, yet noone does. Gamma should be locked too, IMHO, but darkness that is fair to everyone is a tough thing to do since monitors are different and it depends on your environment. 3. Regarding loot farming, fixed how? Locking servers IS a fix, along with a fix for many other issues. TBH, you sound like a loot farmer who doesn't want to lose his edge. 4. A delay before logout is not a fix for ghosting, it may hamper it, but it will certainly not end the practice. All in all, server hopping needs to end. Period.
  4. seannybgoode

    Server side and player side saves

    its alpha. this would lead to all sorts of hacking.
  5. Ok, so before I get lynched for the title, hear me out. First off, there are a couple of things that have long been a part of DayZ, that I feel have broken the mechanics of the game: 1. People don't play at night. 2. People log out when attacked, log-in in a different spot, and then kill you. 3. People go to a place where good loot spawns, and then go to 20 different servers until they are kitted out. 4. People log out when attacked, and just log in in a different server. What would fix this? Lock player characters to a server for 24 hours. Not forever, since there are plenty of reasons one might want to change servers from time to time, but make it such that one can only change servers once every 24 hours. The benefits: 1. People would be more dedicated to a server, less likely to be a total ass. 2. Hackers couldn't hop from server to server without resetting their progress. 3. People would be more inclined to play at night. 4. Loot farming is dead. 5. Ghosting is dead. 6. Combat logging is now less beneficial - players may end up logging back in to find their attackers waiting for them. So there's the argument for you. If you're honestly playing this game for its intended mechanics, and not one of those taking advantage of the system, then I don't see why one could be opposed to this. +1 if you agee. If you disagree, post your reasons, and don't be an ass about it.
  6. seannybgoode

    My ideas for added "realism"

    Regarding number 2, that is NOT how body armor works. Weapons with a high muzzle velocity can still easily penetrate body armor (so that's your lee enfield, and anything with a 7.62 or 5.56 round among others). Body armor IRL still stops low velocity rounds, but it knocks you on your ass and winds you and leaves you with a nasty bruise (if not some broken ribs). Furthermore, it doesn't protect your head, neck, legs, or arms. So unless you want to see people running around in those heavy kevlar suits (at about 1 mph), NO.
  7. seannybgoode

    A viable way to limit server hopping exploit

    This idea doesn't really work because people would loot farm the entire map like the above poster said. However I have suggested this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19383 In my mind this, or a similar idea to this would be a viable fix.
  8. seannybgoode

    Fix idea for server hopping

    Hey NEVER, say something useful or STFU... I read the forums regularly and I have not seen this exact idea so I digress, STFU.
  9. seannybgoode

    New System - Taking dump and fishing

    Both of these things have already been suggested.
  10. seannybgoode

    Fix idea for server hopping

    Server hoppers cry more. Pick a server and play on it. And thanks for calling me unemployed but I'm a full time student with 2 jobs and 4.0 GPA. If possible, make it so that you need to have spawned on the server before the timeout will take effect. Otherwise, you should probably be a little more patient and let the game load, sometimes it takes a few minutes. It's an alpha.
  11. seannybgoode


    the VAULT key "V" does not work for barbed wire most of the time.
  12. seannybgoode

    Fix idea for server hopping

    Here's the idea: 15 or 20 minute global ban after D/C Basically, when you DC from a server at any point, you have to wait 15-20 minutes to Reconnect. This wouldn't affect people who get into servers to play the game, but would effectively nerf people who server hop to get loot, as it would be grossly inefficient. This would also nerf people who use ghosting as a tactical tool, since by the time one got into position on the other server, and then switched back, 40 minutes would have passed. The cons would be that it would affect people who D/C due to no fault of their own, BUT at the worst they can stretch their legs and take a break. We are really just doing them a favor :p
  13. So here's the idea: All servers should be locked to the same time/date (GMT or something in-between Europe and NA where most players are). The pros: -People would know when to expect certain moon cycles, people would know when to expect to have moonlight, and when to expect pitch darkness. This would mitigate the effects of people not being able to play at night. -Server owners with NVGs wouldn't be able to restart into darkness whenever they feel like going on a hunt. - Players would be forced to deal with darkness as opposed to server hopping to daytime and avoiding night. -Bad apple server owners with NVGs will bitch and moan (moved from cons to pros, cause I love tears). The cons: -Daytime wouldn't be the most convenient for everyone
  14. seannybgoode

    dark is TOO FUCKING DARK -> dayz devs listen ffs

    Yeah the main problem I think is moonlight. So, server time's need to be synced. I know of servers that are daytime one minute, then the admins want dark so they restart and it's pitch black. All server times should be locked to GMT, so all servers are night at the same time and all are day at the same time. At least then we'd know when to expect moonrise, we'd know when daytime is, we'd know when it's gonna be pitch dark.