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Alex87 (DayZ)

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About Alex87 (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North London UK
  1. I did try something like this but it kept on telling me i needed to input a password regardless, maybe ill give that another go.
  2. I did think about it but surely advertising is still appealing to hackers?
  3. Really? i felt sure that i played on non-passworded private vilayer servers before.
  4. I recently rented a server from vilayer and get it all up and running fine as a private hive server, and we have now got bored of the lack of PvP, i mean theres only so much zombie killing and safely looting you can do before you want to get the blood pumping from the fear of getting shot at any moment. The only thing is i cant seem to remove the password from the server without changing to a public server, i obviously dont want to do that as it brings with it hackers and griefers. So my question for you guys... how do i go about removing the password and have a private hive open for the public? weve even got to the point now where we have put the password in the name of the server to bring some people in, but no-one has appeared as yet. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  5. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    Server is oficially up and running, i went on the teamspeak and Shawn helped me out. Thanks for all the suggestions people.
  6. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    Ive sent you a DM
  7. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    If you can help in any way that would be great.
  8. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    How long did it take for you? they have already changed the server name to what we requested so i would have thought it was done?
  9. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    Okay, the server had started, it still said waiting for host so i have tried to restart it.... Currently it is still "starting" and has been for a while. Edit: i have just been informed by a friend that i need an Instance id? i have sent another ticket to Vilayer.com asking for this but at the rate this is going im not going to hold my breath.
  10. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    Ill give it a try, if not ill add you as a user, thanks.
  11. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    apparently it has started, only when i try to join it just says "waiting for host", any ideas?
  12. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    Im thinking i might have missed something... surely it should just start if i click start? im not too fussed about getting it on lingor island for the moment, i just want the damned thing to start lol.
  13. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Rocket, I demand you add animals like this.

    That squirel is insanely good!! how the fuck did it survive that jump? Edit: just saw the slo-mo video and nearly pissed my pants, beans for you.
  14. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    I managed to set it to 30 vehicles for chernarus but i think this can be increased if i change the map to lingor island. I cant get the server to start let alone stop it again, but i am aware that it needs to be stopped if i am to make any changes. Not sure what i would have to uninstall, other than the files i have to play DayZ without a server. Still waiting for a response from Vilayer.com, i still appreciate any help you guys can give me.
  15. Alex87 (DayZ)

    Vilayer Server help

    No reply from them as yet, but im sure they will come good..... I hope :)