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About HaiUzeGuize

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    In the cellar...
  1. Pushed some nice updates to the server over the past few days. See the first post for details. PS - Ignore the DLC error when connecting for now. That'll be fixed in our next update. The person on our team adding the new buildings didn't realize that particular object was DLC related. It's actually a bug with Napf any ways and due the creator putting the AIF and MBG files in the map PBO instead of including them along side the map separately. This confuses ARMA. Any ways, enjoy.
  2. Just a heads up that we've made a few changes (see the first post). Also, our mod changes are publicly posted here... https://github.com/HaiUzeGuize/Epoch-Mods
  3. Yes, the server runs a normal day/night cycle with the server set to GMT-10 ;)
  4. For the "I'm hungry" messages, the problem seems to be that canned beverages currently count as food not fluids. After figuring this out, my current character has been alive for over 7 hours. With the "I'm hungry" messages only showing up every 15 minutes or so. Not so bad really. As for "My head hurts", "I'm dizzy", etc. I'm pretty sure these are related to your health. After eating enough food to get my health up, the messages stopped completely. Hope this helps. Now back to shooting zombies.
  5. HaiUzeGuize

    Post Your Gear So Far

  6. HaiUzeGuize

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Map is broken. Can't harvest wood any where, even in the thickest section of jungle.
  7. HaiUzeGuize

    Whats the point of Humanity?

    Not to mention that shooting people in self defense will negatively affect your humanity. It's almost impossible to not be a bandit. Especially in situations where your only option is to fight your way out.
  8. Not a lot, sadly. Most people have to ask... :( And, yes, having a team does make things easier. Such as the fact most players won't fuck with you because they see that you have 8-10 other people with you. Even smaller groups of 4-5 players tend to back off when they see us rolling through. Oh, and not to mention, we can clean an entire camp out with everyone on and 2 vehicles going :P
  9. My team and I raid other camps and the NW airfield just about every day now. It's the only thing to do now that we have vehicles and all of the gear/guns we need. We also have like 15 Mountain Dews, as a comparison ;) Wow, 1 more would have done it? Or is that a joke? :unsure:
  10. I put six charges in the Cherno fire station earlier (one in each corner of the bay area + two in the tower) and all they managed to do was chip the concrete a little. So has anyone found the exact number needed to bring these beasts down? I've noticed it only takes one to bring down most of the other building models (super markets, air control towers, etc.)
  11. Yeah, definitely to the right. You can even hear his foot steps. So he wasn't in the camp. Also, your friend that said "You should have logged out" is a pussy.
  12. HaiUzeGuize

    Cherno Ragtime Time Bomb!

    Too bad you were in the Group Channel rather than Direct. So a lot of people couldn't hear it...
  13. HaiUzeGuize

    How to move Debug Monitor

    Nope, humanity is still there. You just have no way to tell who's a survivor or who's a bandit until you kill them. So you have to become a bandit yourself to find out, basically lol http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/9235-the-dayz-statistics-thread/page__st__440#entry593502
  14. HaiUzeGuize

    How to move Debug Monitor

    Options > Video Options > Advanced Change "Interface Size" to a smaller size. You're welcome ;)