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About sskludde

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  1. I got this in another version, Radeon HD5970.
  2. sskludde

    Okay, may I ask how old you are? Because it seems you're a little kid, otherwise you're drunk, I would recommend some sleep, if you're a troll I would ask you to leave. Seriously, don't you understand what alpha means? It's just a test, everything rocket put up is only experimental to see how things work around. It isn't hard to find from quarry to Cherno, and it doesn't take a long time to get there either. Rocket haven't created the items like the map, it's Bohemia Interactive, creator of Arma II so please, do not blame it on Rocket. If you wanna see where you are, I guess you better be playing on a Regular/Recruit server, later on you maybe get GPS which is really usefull. The map(Chernarus) is also created by Bohemia, so I guess you can't really blame that you get through walls on Rocket. It's not hard to get past zombies either and it's kinda easy to get equipment. What I want to say is that Rocket don't have anything to do with the game, not much atleast. He is using a game created by Bohemia to make something really nice, a mod, which got both advantages and disadvantages to a stand-alone game. So we're not talking about the stand-alone game that maybe come this year, this is where we're talking about the mod, not as a game. I actually think it was a good idea to disable the respawnbutton, just think about it. This is a game/mod that is all about survival, you could be alone, there can also be a guy in the village where you spawned. On the way to survive you get friends, and of course enemies, it can take hours to find out if your love is still alive. You fight for you life. The War Z is a whole other game, it's not exactly the same style, for example you have levels there and the higher you get the more spells(weapons) you can afford. I beg you to calm down, since no one can take you serious with your attitude, it just looks like a new shitstorm.
  3. Indeed they are! This is something they have to improve, hope we could get a answer from SickBoy why we can't play 95310+ servers and maybe a solution.
  4. My friend is using Six Launcher but it won't update to 95310 when you verify a server with that version, any solution for this? I don't wanna hear DayZcommander or manual install, since he want to use Six Launcher.
  5. Same here, installed 95248 and got this problem. Don't know if it's safe to downgrade to 95208 and if it even is the problem.
  6. sskludde

    Connecting Failed

    I think it's pretty the same, since it seems like it has nothing to do with my installation. My friend just got the same problem after like 15-30 minutes after me, and we had been playing a lot the day before. Now we only get connecting failed to the most of the servers, there is one server that we were possible to get in to, SE 6 I think, but after like 2-5 minutes we got BattleEye Error Script Restriction #55.
  7. sskludde

    Connecting Failed

    I got slightly the same issue. Some servers I get connected, but after a while I get kicked my BattleEye for script restriction #55. Though, I can't connect to the most servers. Tried to put in a new BattleEye.dll but it didn't work, playing with 95208. My friend also got it like 15 minutes after me.