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Everything posted by Virfortis

  1. Virfortis

    Death should reset you back 6 hours.

    See #2, there's no difference. Carebear is being thrown around and used as a derogative term used against people who want a more co-operative experience. The concept being that if they don't like constantly killing one another in ego-inflating douchebaggery (which let's be honest, that's what camping Cherno with a CZ is) then they clearly like tree hugging and marshmellows farting rainbows. Carebear is synonymous with "total wuss" because the people that use said term don't have the balls to come out and admit they need to feel superior. Is someone a wuss for wanting co-op? No, never, and you're an idiot if you think otherwise. Instead, they need to be pointed towards more co-op style mods. DayZ is straight up perma-death/PvP/all-in or walk home hardcore and I personally wouldn't have it any other way. When I want co-op, I go play Killing Floor, oh but then that makes me a carebear right? So yeah, if the OP is a carebear, then we're all butthurtt assholes, because there's no middle ground. Are you? I didn't think so. Neither is the OP, or anyone that wants to co-operate, a carebear.
  2. Virfortis

    Losing your backpack in water/filling up water bottle

    If you drop your backpack, you still risk it dissapearing. Getting water a the risk of your gear magically vanishing is all part of the survival!
  3. I just recently was sitting around in Rog (castle tower) when I saw someone way off in the distance. I picked him off with a CZ because I was testing it. I felt REALLY overpowered. He wasn't even really dashing or nothing, just trying to sneak through the treeline at almost 900m. It took me 2 shots, but I nailed him dead.
  4. Virfortis

    Death should reset you back 6 hours.

    There's only two kinds of people that use the word "carebear" 1. Douchebags with no sense of reality 2. Socially inept assholes. His point is wrong' date=' sure, but now you sound like this: You might have made a valid point, but that dick move pretty much made the whole thing pointless. Again, Rocket said CASUALS, not carebears.
  5. Virfortis

    The Crossbow.

    Also, about the firing noise, that can't be how loud a normal crossbow is. It almost sounds like the old Bowshot sound from Minecraft. I picked up a crossbow and tried shooting it, but I couldn't hit a thing even at close range. The lack of sight really hampers its use, but I can't wait to see someone score an 800m bolt hit and post it on Youtube.
  6. Honestly, even after playing the training stuff, I know HOW to adjust the distance (zero) a sniper rifle, but getting the right distance is still beyond me.
  7. Virfortis

    How to do The Bandit dance?

    I rarely have to hunt people down, but I also change speeds and direction constantly. If someone is tailing me, good luck lining anything up. I have yet to tail someone, they usually duck into a building and make for an easy kill.
  8. Virfortis

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    So, how goes things in the world? I've had a bit of a time logging lol.
  9. The bullets it takes to kill is very small The TIME it takes to kill someone is astounding, mainly due to desyncing/lag I once shot a guy running down the road at a sprint, he flew another 60 yards before finally skidding to a faceplant halt.
  10. Virfortis

    The Bandit Code

    Friendly is a lie, there is only life Through life, I can aim Through aim, I can kill Though killing, I can survive Through survival, my life continues. Banditry shall free me.
  11. I had a very similar experience. I was braving Elektro (I made it out alive, Zeds and all!) when I saw a green chemlight pop. I didn't have much choice, as he was in my way, so I waited until I heard him eating before turning around and firing a couple Mak shots. After the usual group chatter of "you asshole" I kill the chemlight ad throw a flare across the (school? office?) hallway. It gave me just enough light to see, but the light was in another room, so I figured someone would look there first (I was totally right too, scored a ton of 45 ACP). On my way out I crawled past the power plant when I saw someone in the tower. I lined up the shot, only to redlink...then Zeds magically appeared danger close...followed by me running...I killed the Zeds and got whoever was on that tower...but I hate redlink.
  12. Virfortis

    Allow stmovement!

    ArmA2 may be slightly more realistic than most FPS games, but no game has EVER gotten player movement right. However, to contort your body to do things like this takes a script/50+ keys (one for each muscle) to code in. The solution would really be to let us shorten the pistol stance into something small so we can walk sideways into a door. Bringing the pistol up would be no different than bringing the barrel down.
  13. Virfortis

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes and no at the same time. Yes let us ditch them being forced, but no do not get rid of them. I vote for the ability to change skins at spawn.
  14. Well I didn't say it was, just that I've seen a lot of games jump up and down and get in a tizzy because people were editing config files. On a side note, I got de-rep spammed for that post, even though it was a legitimate concern...
  15. Virfortis

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    Saw a few HA members log into a server yesterday, said hi but made sure to stay hidden =P
  16. Virfortis

    Damage/Hit registration

    It's getting optimized, but for now stick to the basic survival rule of thumb: Shoot only when you can get away with it.
  17. Sounds like an exploit to me, just saying. It may not be, but it sounds like file-editing so...that's an exploit in some places but not others. Rocket may need to look at that.
  18. ....dahell I just read? o_O
  19. Virfortis

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    Alrighty, I'll be in-game hunting...if I can get in a server ^^; It hasn't been easy really, but I'm getting there. Picked off a running Survivor earlier today, you should have seen the skidmarks he left on the pavement.
  20. Virfortis

    bounty hunters

    There can't be Bounty Hunters without a bounty...which implies a generally accepted form of currency...
  21. Virfortis


    "This is buggy!" "Buggy?" "THIS. IS. ALPHA!" It had to be done, but really guys...bugs happen. Just keep trying and move on. Rocket sees the bugs, so he's working on them in his spare time.
  22. Wellllll this will be fun. Where's my popcorn? Hope you kids enjoy killing each other, I'll be looting when the dust settles.
  23. Virfortis

    Your first time being a bandit.

    I still remember my kill. I bolted from the beach (glitch-death) up the hill. I found a roadway and followed it carefully. Off in the distance I saw a survivor sprinting down the road so I go flat. I figure that since I didn't really have anything, I would give this a go. I hide behind a bush as he speeds by and I shoot him, one Mak shot, in the head. It took FORTY FEET for that joker to stop running and fall over dead. He then raged about how he was running, to which I said "no kidding, your corpse ran for a while." Looting him was surprisingly easy.