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Everything posted by SpAz514

  1. SpAz514

    How to disable DayZ

    I want to play ArmA II OA normal but can't and at Expansions menu the Disable button is... Disabled?
  2. Nobody said that but I got an ideea. Now cars start their engine in 1 sec. What would it be if engines would start harder, have a low chance to start, or even won't start, and you hear the starter helplessly trying to start the engine, and after 5 or more secs you see that engine can't be started? Depends on the engine's "health". If engine is >75% repaired, it starts normally. If it is <75% but >50%, It would have an random chance to not start, or start in 2.5 secs. If it is <50% but >25%, it will have a higher chance to not start, or start in 4 secs. If it is <25% but >0%, it will not start. Each time when the engine is not starting, you would hear the starter trying to start the engine. And fuel tanks would have an % of fuel dripping, depending on it's health, using the percentages above. A vehicle won't be drivable if hull is destroyed, I don't see a reason a vehicle would go boom when fueltank or engine are on 0% health, but would still not go boom. Stuff would be retrievable from it, like engine, fueltank, wheels and your stuff.
  3. SpAz514

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Went today on a journey to Green Mountain. WIth my UAZ, Newly found M16 with 10 mags, lots of shit. 2 jerries in UAZ, full fuel, lots of meds, beans, water canteens, G17 with 7 mags. Basically, I was ready to see WTF Green Mountain got. And I tried to see if nighttime changes it. It was raining, and I entered the base. Got out of UAZ and no zombie aggroed, alone on server with 0 zombies alive? There were zombie-spawning buildings. Nothing paranormal for now. I enter the tower, go up the ladder, and I receive shock and 5 min unconsciousness, no blood loss, no doors oppened. After I wake up, the storm left like it never was. Moon lit the ground. I try to go to the ladder but the door was closed. I did not closed it. Still, no zombie. After I opened the door, finnaly 1 zombie spawns. I go down the ladder, look in my back and see... See the zombie attacking me, and dissapears like it wasn't there. I say to myself: Better lit a flare. I lit one and still no zombie. I get in UAZ: Jerries empty and fuel is 0. Wasn't going to leave the UAZ there so I took the jerries, left the meds, food and water in the UAZ and go to fill them in Zeleno. There was an GAZ. I was looking through Zeleno for an fuel tank, so I went to the farm west of Zeleno. There was an rusty tank. Well, when I come back to the radio station, on the way to it, I see a thing like yesterday: A headshotted alive survivor with no name, and nametags were online on that server. In the GAZ, on the road to Green Mount. It wasn't there, engine on GAZ was online and headlights online. I shoot that SOB and it dies. If it would had been a player, I would see "NAME has been killed", but nothing appeared. I pull his body out of the GAZ, and engine stops, headlights stop and I see that everything was on red. Windows broke too, and wheels popped. And the guy got nothing on him, and at Study Body, Name was unknown but said nothing about dead cause. Normal is: "Name was NAME, and died from an X cause". Well here was: "Name was Unknown". I freaked out, ran to UAZ, filled it up, took my items and left. And finnaly zeds spawned at radio station, aswell when I was filling up jerry. IDK how to take photos by Steam so sorry, no evidence. Well, the fact is the tower is normal on SP, but cannot be destroyed. Used an SU-25, all bombs and S-5's used on the tower, not even a crack. Satchels, IED's, nothing. The SCUD mod, nothing. Now I try to enter the same server (was a non-hive one) and tried Steam, DayZ Commander, Six Launcher, no one works, says Loading... WTF to do? Any help? It keeps on without ending.
  4. Sorry for repeating, was just saying flood control. But well, why just try "rebinarizing" the files, while Barb wire is fixed and Dead Bodies are fucking up the screen? I walk up near them and see them OK, but at distance they doom everything. Why not remove them and in their places make zombie spawn points? Seems more realistically to see zombie soldiers everywhere, instead seeing dead bodies and zombie soldiers. And another suggestion: The vehicles destroyed on the road. Why not make them zombie spawn points aswell and make loot to be found in them at a low chance? Evidently 1 loot spot and high-value, someone would place stuff in trunk and GTFO with the best they got. And the Humvees, the destroyed ones. Military zombies coming out of them, and a 10% chance of weps be found in the back of humvee. Even lower chance. And last thing to say: The vehicles on the road are rusted. The dead bodies aren't rotten, nor the zombies. Why the vehicles would rust so fast? Usually a vehicle rusts in 100 or more years if I am right. Make them static, but with cracked windows, either flipped on the road, either with broken engine, a failure wich would present the death of the people in the vehicle, but would keep the stuff OK inside the trunk. Or make them carbonized, seeming they may exploded.
  5. SpAz514

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Got 2 stories. A mountain-dew one and a Green Mountain one. I'll begin with Green mountain. It was night-time. I had a bus, a friend with an UAZ, M16 with 10 mags and lots of stuff. Alice backpack, Hero status and lots of stuff. Friend got in front to the radio tower at Green Mountain and however, driving straight, flipped the UAZ. I try to push it back in position, but it dissapears. Friend says nothing, lucky all stuff was in bus. We exit to loot what was there (we weren't ever at Green Mount so we never knew the curse), and started our flashlights. We get scared to see the body pile, lighting it up with flashlight, and hearing lots of zombies. We manage to kill them. After that, we see a Survivor walking like a zombie making unconscious screaming sounds going towards the bus. We aim towards him: No name. We were just us two on server. Blood was coming like he had an headshot. He got in bus as a ride in the back and I shot 3 rounds of G17 in his head. Friendly fire, he did not died. Friend takes his PDW and unloads 5 rounds: Not dead. He picks up his flashlight to light the SOB and I unload an M16 mag into his head. Did not died. Came out of bus as a zombie and died in front of us without us even shooting him. We drove like hell, downhill, and bus flipped... Zombies coming from uphill, made a last stand, lucky I had epi-pens and blood bags, aswell lots-a-meds and antibiotics. Friend got infected and unconscious from zombies. Killed the rest, and we ran to Zeleno, repairing the GAZ there and getting out of there like Chernarus was Hell. Second story, the Mtn-dew one... I found a can of Mtn-Dew in Cherno. I take it and being a new-spawned, I drink it out of thirst. IDK but I aggro quite 20 zed with drinking it. They eat me, as they ran in the building. So: Don't go to Green Mount and Don't drink Mtn-Dew.
  6. SpAz514

    How to disable DayZ

    Okay, thx!
  7. SpAz514

    Why are people playing this?

    1: No wep? Look in a whole town and then you will find one. Even a makarov. But you will still find one. 2: Sneak by the zombies or run with them in a building. Either you find a wep and finish them off, either exit by the other side of the house. 3: No player in 4hrs? Either you are lucky, either you saw no player-count on server-join. But you are still lucky. 4: General chat? Group is either broken, either IDK and join SideChat servers, either yell over DirectChat when you see someone wich is close to you. 5: Controls worst!? In 1 hour I learned all and binded all to my preferences. You must be new here. 5: Find a map and learn it, and try to find out the cyrillic names. By now I know 75% of all town names in cyrillic. If you know in what town you are, and you have a map, hit M, go to that town, and use it! Well, all 5 things show that you are new here. Welcome to DayZ, it is an Zombie Apocalypse in a Mil-Sim world, not in a linear FPS world. Chernarus is HUGE, 225 square km. Not the maps in normal FPS wich are like 100x100m. It's hard to find someone friendly, but once you do, you can do many stuff. I just found yesterday someone wich gave me free NVG's. Thx again!
  8. SpAz514

    I am a beginner. Tips?

    For best to worst you may want to say worst to best, Winchester and Lee Enfield are the best but crossbow is good too, I found it useful in cherno till attracted a horde... Then makarov saved me. You forgot to place Mak, M1911 and Revolver. Now even mak is better than revolver, used a rev mag on a zombie and even it didn't proned and mak just splashed it's brains on wall.
  9. SpAz514

    How to disable DayZ

    I installed DayZ through the 3rd party installer, and I launch it through Six Launcher and DayZ Commander. A question, if I launch DayZ through DayZ Commander and I have ACE do I get ACE features on DayZ Too?
  10. Guide on finding friendlies. Way 1: Noob way 1: Find a server wich uses Side-Chat. 2: Say: "Does anyone wants to team up?" or "Is anyone friendly?" 3: See who responds, usually all are friendlies and no hoaxers. Way 2: Normal Way 1: Find a normal guy, wich still didn't spotted you. Make sure you have a weapon, NOT hatchet. 2: Aim towards him and yell on Direct Comms: "Guy in Insert Location, friendly? Salute if you are!" 3: If he answers "Yes" and salutes then get out of your hiding place and salute from cover. Make sure you do Q-E thing so if he changes minds you press C. If he answers "No" shoot him up! Way 3: Pro Way 1: Find a normal guy, wich still didn't spotted you. This tactic works best if you got High-End stuff but may work even with an low-end wep except hatchet & NVG's. Make sure it is night. From that it is like above, but if you got a vehicle and you are in a town you can do some nasty stuff like aggroing all zombies from town into him or if you have a sniper rifle blow his brains up. Counter-Banditry tips: 1: If someone got his sights on you and tells you to drop your stuff on ground, do like he says. Do surrender animation and make sure you keep your hatchet. When he tells you to leave, de-equip your hatchet and wait him at the building exit. When he'll get out, chop him! And get your stuff back. 2: If someones shoots at you, just don't panic! Run in most nearby building and go away from windows. He may got NVG and spot you or got a spotter with NVG. If he shoots try heading from cover to cover to his location and if you got even a low-end weapon, fire onto him! It may cause panic. Then repeat till you kill him. 3: If you know someone wich is a bandit and you are both in a firefight, use smoke grenades if you have. They are common, and Frags are even better. Use smokes and distract him and watch zombies eating his guts up. If you got no grenade, maybe you got the better wep. AKM can penetrate through plywood, bricks and small stone walls, explaining why it is my favourite for both PVP and anti-zombie operations. AND it got 5500 blood damage per bullet. Rain bullets onto his cover if you got AK or other 7.62 caliber weps, it can damage him. And if you got lower-end wep, best bet is to go prone. Place your music sound to 0 and hear his footsteps. Anticipate from wich location he is coming, left or right? Then go in the opposite place prone, he won't hear you if you roll, and when he looks to shoot you, bam! Shoot him. 4: It is the worst if you are in open field. No cover and most probable guy got high-end stuff or even a sniper. Run zig-zagging and decrease-increase zig-zags so he can't find out where you'll be eventually. I used that when a M249 was hunting me, while I was weaponless at Balota airstrip. It is best when he is at a resonable distance from you, sound comes first. I heard his shot and pressed Z, shot almost touched my head but I survived at no blood loss. And "Session Lost". Thx server! 5: If you are in a forest, it becomes hard to find cover and to escape. Enemy knows you'll use Q&E to shoot him and will fire onto your tree. If you got ghillie then crawl and hope Momma Nature is with you. Otherwise run from tree to tree in a randomised formation, even retreat or advance, to his location and have a close-quarters-combat. Hope this guide helped!
  11. SpAz514

    Requesting Armed solider

    30 cans? 10 water? Lots of ammo? Pretty much. You know Cans and Water is hard to be found? And firstly find out what type of ammo that guy has. You may give him 1866, 2rnd, AKM, STANAG, food and water and he is using a hatchet.
  12. SpAz514

    Worst Game Experience ever

    Welcome to DayZ. Fact 1: It is ALPHA. It is supposed to have bugs that give you broken legs status easily, it happened to me too and didn't whined. Crawled to cherno and found a UAZ guy halfway wich gave me a ride to cherno + teaming up. I find friendlies very often by SideChat or DirectChat. Fact 2: It is an apocalypse. It is hard to survive. This isn't Minecraft where in first day you got Stone Tools and a shelter so fast, find a cave with diamond in it and get pro. You just have to find those beans, meds and you are good to go. Sneak over zombies, you ran onto them, they didn't spawned in front of you.
  13. SpAz514


    As I see Western weps are easier to find than Soviet weps. Actually this is an "Post-Soviet State". And M107 and M24 is much more common than SVD Camo?! Make American weps be found only at crash sites, it makes it more obviously to find only soviet weps in buildings and military places than mostly American weps.
  14. SpAz514


    Actually, I have to agree with you but the fact that you can find them is an problem. And if there would be more kinds of crash sites (Mi-8 crashes wich spawn Soviet loot, Chinook & Huey crashes wich spawn Western loot and Mi-8 civillian wich spawn well... Residential loot & beans!)
  15. SpAz514

    Graphical bugs

    I get this error too. After escaping Connecting Failed this appears? I tried this on multiple servers, different locations, I get this error even at just some huts and in wilderness. I can get out of this only by looking up or down. I almost lost my M9SD and AKM + Ghillie just found after update + ALICE + Many good stuff due to this bug and a zombie, couldn't even see him! Lost 15 rounds on Full spraying them in a circle. Eventually got the zombie down to the floor but lost 2k of blood...
  16. SpAz514

    Connecting Failed

    Help there, I love a server (CH01 Private) but won't pop up on ArmA II browser, DayZ Commander and SIX launcher browser, but will appear on SIX Updater browser but stuck on Wait for host. Now I can't connect AND can't find my fav server.
  17. SpAz514

    DayZ Stories

    My char is now alive for 2 days, so I am pretty advanced. Gotta tell my FULL story. I spawn on the coast of Cherno. I get in industrial buildings and find a hatchet. Sometimes it is really good to have a free mag of Hack on you, so chopped 3 aggroed zed. Got food&soda and crossbow&1911 from the market, checked Firestation with no results, practically got 27 zed kills, 0 headshots, lots of ammo, meds, compass, map, watch, but still got coyote patrol pack. I hear in the distance a kind of engine. 2 Headlights pop up in the darkness of the night, and the vehicle wich seemed to be a bus stops. Driver gets out to check a pub. Cause I am no bandit, hopped on driver position and drove off. Found a friend on my way to Stary, a guy named Rainbow. He had an Double-Barrel, Revolver, meds and more stuff. Drove in Stary, to find out that a S1203 van drove off. They luckily didn't saw us, so we tried to stay as concealed as we could. Nothing but a 1866, M1014, 870 and ammo for all was at the camp. Took the M1014 and Rain got the Winchester. I had to log off for the night so left the bus in Rain's hands. IDK what he did with the bus but I didn't seen him on that server anymore. When I enter the game, It says Day 1. Stary Sobor. Check the tents, found that a guy refreshed the tents in hope for finding NVG's and GPS. Snagged from that huge pile of loot an AKM with 9 mags, there was an ACU there too so stored 4 mags in backpack. Found a G17 there so I took it against the 1911. I find that the guy lost a wheel to his UAZ, so I look in town, and luckily I find a wheel! Repaired UAZ and drove off, now with Military flashlight and a Ghillie Suit forgotten in the pile. I went off for NWA. When I reach there, there were 2 guys with M14's next to a crashed heli fighting off a horde of zed. They wrecked their bus (wich seemed like Rain's) in the ATC, so they bought me time to loot south barracks. M9SD found there! 1 mag for it. Still no US weaponry. I find more mags for the M9 and eventually go look at Firestation, Hangar and ATC in the time they were looking at north barracks. More mags for the M9, Still no better primary, but found an Military flashlight. They say it is better. I befriend the guys and give them a ride to Cherno, where I wasn't paying attention and rammed the UAZ in a concrete barrier. Poor UAZ, stored nothing in it. IDK what they did there. I looked at Hospital, and met the 2 guys yet again. Gave them transfusions aswell they gave me one, found an ALICE in the supermarket and more food & stuff there. Reached a number of 34 zed killed after the count reseted from the ghillie suit. I ran then to Stary and logged off there, my char now reaching Day 2. I now want to find at least an M16 to see if it's really better than the AKM, or find the M14 wich ppl say it is much more better than AKM, repair one more vehicle and set up a camp. And find that Entrenching tool & toolbox, maybe GPS and NVG's if I am lucky.
  18. SpAz514

    Top 10 weapons

    What are your fav weapons? Mine are those: #1 AKM; Beast weapon for me, easy to find ammo, can zero, effective up to 400m, 1shot kill, good for PVP but zombie whistle. My fav weapon. #2 M4A1 SD; Has RDS, is Silenced, STANAG SD is same rarity as normal STANAG if I remember right and good for PVP. #3 Winchester 1866; Easy to find ammo and gun, good for zombies but poor at PVP, low noise. #4 Lee Enfield; Super accurate and very powerful, basically an M14 without RDS, with easy to find ammo and lower mag capacity, more louder and more powerful if I remember right. The dinner bell. #5 M14 AIM; Accurate, almost no bullet drop, RDS, Powerful, DMR mag wich is easy to find but hard to find and quite noisy. #6 M1014; Powerful, quite common, since 2rnd's appeared easy to find ammo, fast, not so loud but quite poor at PVP. #7 Remington 870 Flashlight; Quite same as above, but lower fire-rate and louder if I remember right. #8 Hatchet; Not quite a wep but you can silently take out ppl and zombies fast, good luck to not get scratched by zombie. #9 Crossbow; Hatchet at range, easy to find ammo and gun, no noise, 1shot, recovarable ammo and you can master sights. #10 Double-barreled shotgun; Quite almost worst gun in game, but handy for beginners, cause 2rnd mag, occupies space like crossbow. Type your lists too! And tell me if I am wrong with something so I can edit.
  19. SpAz514

    My ideeas

    IK someone told about this but here's my ideea. Rocket made a 2-3 line desc of DayZ. A virus infected most of the world's population blah blah blah then action begins. Eventually you gather up tons of stuff and you're done. You either want to click Respawn either start killing or helping ppl on coast. But what if in the time when you gather stuff, you hit secret documents? Either marks on the map with locations of crashed helicopters/ USB cards wich stick in GPS and locate you heli crash sites, letters in Cyrillic talking about the virus, that completes the mystery behind the apocalypse. If it would've been a virus, it would've struck earlier. Try making an kind of upgrade to the infection system wich allows virus to infect you at >40C too, so you can't run much, and make you not only cough, but get in and out of unconsciousness and once you are <9000 blood you cannot cure it with antibiotics, but with some special kind of meds avalaible from heli crashes. And once you are <9000 blood and infected, you'll bleed with 10 blood per second, eventually torturing you, till you die. Sorry if I repeated some other guy's ideeas.
  20. SpAz514

    Top 10 weapons

    Handled an M4A3 CCO and I don't want to use it again. About AK-74, never used it, found AKM before AK-74. I just love AKM cause I find ammo for it everywhere.
  21. SpAz514

    Connecting Failed

    I get same error, but won't work even with DayZ Commander, Six Updater AND Six launcher. Stuck on Wait for Host or Connecting failed.
  22. SpAz514

    Connecting failed

    I was playing on a server (CH01 Private) and power goes off. After a meanwhile, when I want to re-enter the server there is no one and Connecting failed appears. Tried SIX Launcher, Reinstalled BE and still nothing happened. Can anyone help? Was about to pick up an M4A1 SD and power went off :( .