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Everything posted by AccidentalRob

  1. AccidentalRob

    Admin tools

    That's good to know... thanks for your help. It turns out I was using an outdated / incorrect list of item class names, so I appreciate the link!
  2. AccidentalRob

    Admin tools

    I installed the full mission, latest version, and can't get all the functions to work. I can get /freecam, /tpto, /spawncar, and /ammo to work, but other things like spawning in items don't seem to work. (I'm pretty sure /godmode doesn't work at all right now for anybody.) I've also discovered that it seems like only one person can be logged in to admin at a time – I have two IDs in the Admin.txt file, and whoever logs in "first" gets access to the commands. If the second tries, they don't get access to admin tools. If the first admin logs off, the second person can successfully log in at that point.
  3. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Huzzah for the new servers! Very excited to give them a try! THANK YOU {CQF} Still, if you're feeling overwhelmed and you're looking for anyone to help you with the administration of the group, please let me know what I can do to help.
  4. AccidentalRob

    Don't be careless

    Rule #2: Double tap.
  5. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

  6. AccidentalRob

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Design #2, although the logo feels too big. Stick with the KISS principal. I don't mean getting Gene Simmons to design one – Keep It Simple, Stupid.
  7. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Ended up playing on Chicago 2 for a little while tonight. Spawned in, travelled east through Kamenka, nearly got killed in Komarovo and then travelled north towards Pavlovo and Bor. I found my way to a barn in the wilderness and got myself a decent rifle and a handful of clips, a can of pasta, refilled my water bottles and then got the hell out of dodge. I logged out in the woods nearby, and will try to get on another time soon. Question - if I log out on Chicago 2 and log in on Virginia 3, do I log in with the same character, same location, same stuff? R.
  8. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    If by "achieve this" you mean "cure you of your murderous habits or put a boot in your skull", then YES! :)
  9. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    This is great! Can you let me know what the server designations are going to be? I'm hoping I will have time to pop on tonight, early evening. I'll get on TeamSpeak as well, of course. Cheers, Rob.
  10. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Looking forward to it, Johnny!
  11. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    I've submitted my recruitment papers to the official CQF board under the name "Wakefield". Question – what kind of hacking led to the loss of the chopper? R.
  12. AccidentalRob

    Canucks unite!

    You can find me as Accidental Rob on Steam - from Ontario. I'm like Matt up there, having kids, so difficult for me to find time to play during the day.
  13. AccidentalRob

    My first outing

    After some swearing and sweating, I finally got Day Z working. My first outing was short, due to some poor inventory management on my part (namely, figuring out where things go when you grab them, and how to loot items from a pile of stuff). I made a quick map of my outing, pictured below with call-outs. I am not impressed with my first try. :) Have a look.
  14. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Noticed {CQF}Tangerine playing this morning, called out to him in chat but there was no answer. It would be cool that, if you're playing, you get on TS so we can try to hook up and watch each others' backs. Thanks!
  15. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

  16. AccidentalRob

    Canucks unite!

    Hey, AccidentalHuman, maybe we should team up and form the Accidental Squad. I, too, am a fellow Canuck, Eastern Standard timezone. I'll gladly join up if I see you online, otherwise I'm going to join the CQF for some extra protection from zombies and bandits.
  17. AccidentalRob

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    I've been doing a lot of reading and YouTube trolling about Day Z, and I want to jump in. But, it would be nice to have a group to be a part of so I'm not soloing the whole thing. When I get a chance to fire it up, I'll join TS and talk to some of you fine folks and see what's up. R.