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Everything posted by robert_achleitner@chello.at

  1. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    more matches... or make it default equipment.

    For me they spawn very commonly in the supermarkets. For my feeling more than 50% of the time i find them there.
  2. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Keep spawning in passed out

    I think this bug happens when you log out just before you pass out, or when you Alt-F4 when being passed out.... Once you die and respawn it should be gone i think..... and stop using Alt+F4 when being shot.... I think with one of the next patches behaviour like this could result in a warning from the hive anyway.
  3. These are internal netwerk ips... If he was giving you that, he was making fun of you... if your friend gave that to you, than he has no clue about a network.
  4. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Killed By 2 Hackers, Death Screen Reveals Player Locater

    I am not good with servers nor i have a real idea how these scripts work, but a friend explained it me like following: Once a hacker was able to open a script or a channel that server is infected. Thus it is easier for other script kiddies to abuse of that. This security hole remains until the server is reset. I dont know if a restart of the server makes it temporarily harder, or maybe a full wipe (a complete restart from 0) might do the trick. At least if you have your own server and it gets hacked that often, i would give it a try to see if you get hacked less or not. Anyway... We need a fix for the scripts asap, since many people (including myself) loose the motivation to play this game if you die due braindamaged teenagers absuing the engine.
  5. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Killed By 2 Hackers, Death Screen Reveals Player Locater

    I hate those script kiddies too, but i dont see a proof really in your video. The screen with the green squares appeared once to me when i logged in (and to some friends of mine) as there were some issues with a server.... we had to relog and it was gone (maybe that is the 'debug forrest'?). Except this is a known thing for hackers that i have not heard or seen yet. Pitch black.... unfortunately you can just set your gamma to 2.0 in game and you can see much much more. Similar to having 3k blood left. Just a bit darker maybe. You had no guillie suit. If they had night vision goggles they dont see the rain. If it was 2 one of them could have had a thermal scope weapon (op as hell and should be taken out of the game imo). Before the axe guy ran in, you heard him reloading in that video, so he could have sneaked on you i assume. But the voice trolling in the end looked a bit suspicious. What server were you on? And when did it happen? I would assume by having the player names + the server adress it will be easy to find their player IDs... Maybe the devs can find out more then. Even if this death was annoying... I am more bothered by the people who teleport them or the whole server around, nuke the map, spawn all kind of weapons or helis... I just hope the devs (of Arma2) find a way to reduce the vulnerability of the servers against those script kiddies.
  6. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    The murderer problem

    So far WarZ has nothing done but collecting email adresses of people. No game play video.... just screenshots.... and those look pretty much like DayZ but a better version. If WarZ really exist, i doubt they could release within the next few months. I personally think it is some publicity for the standalone of DayZ, since it looks like it is the same system (also clothes of the survivers) but with a better (Arma 3) engine. If that is the case, than rocket and his team would have done a very very good job there! Which in the end raises interest and thus money for the genre itself! Hacking is currently killing the mod, not the player killing. But this is the responsibility of the Arma 2 devs and not the DayZ team. The player killing is what it even keeps it alive for late game. This is MOD and thus is limited. For the way it is, it is great. But the fun of it is to start with nothing and slowly gear up. Once you are geared up what do you want to do? Sit in the woods next to a pond where you can refill your waterbottle? Waiting for prey to gut and cook? The only thing that is left you can do, is fighting other highly equiped players...actually play groups. Once you played more you will realize that. As I started I also would not want to murder other players and I still saw many players behaving the same. But with people knowing the game better, this mentality vanishes. Most people and especially clan members have a group to play with already. They dont need new 'friends'. If you die then and need to regear and meet up with your group it is usually easier and safer to kill the other players on the way than to let them be. If you let them be they might take stuff that you need too, or even grab first a better weapon and kill you. Late game, most players got some kind of a sniper rifle. They can oneshot others pretty fast, but also know they can be killed pretty fast. Thus everyone prefers to kill and live over let live and die. Again, this is a MOD. See it more as a testing area for the Dev Team for the standalone version. If the standalone version is going to be an MMO, I am sure there will be more typical MMO elements than you can see here in DayZ and I am sure they will find a way to make people work together more in general. I am hoping for some kind of zombie flooding events, where you will more players to defend, than any clan usually holds :) Just keep playing the game... Try to get some friends you can trust, and see other players far away from the starting areas as bandits. And as someone else wrote, learn how to survive... the longer you play the game, the more you know how. cheers
  7. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Day Z Videos

    Nothing special, just a video of a helicopter rescue mission at night. it is kinda long so skip the run part in the middle if you dont like it. http://youtu.be/0jWrVfHl440
  8. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Day Z Videos

    Bugged zombie running faster than usain bolt! http://youtu.be/c-4d6VCLoPE
  9. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Heli Rescue mission at night.

    Heli Rescue mission at night. Nothing special, just a DayZ moment. Might be a bit long, so just skip some of the run part in the middle.
  10. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Zombies train for olympia too!

    That guy is training for the 100m or 200m dash :) First time a zombie got bugged for me like that. http://youtu.be/c-4d6VCLoPE
  11. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Their account is banned, not their name... They can buy another copy of the game tough, but making them buy another game might give them a few more toughts into their stupid teenager brains and they might not hack anymore after.
  12. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Admin Abuse - US 362

    The maps are shared..... its not your private one... all or at least many others with a map will see your notes...
  13. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    2 Questions before renting a server

    Hi! I would like to host a server, but before renting one and applying for it with the dayz team i have 2 questions: 1.) Voice chat: Does the ingame voice chat in the direct channel need some extra voice chat slots on servers? Many servers offer to rent voice chat slots along with game slots, so i am wondering if i really need them, or only if I want to run TS/Mumble/Ventrillo at the same tiem 2.) Ban list: I know that kicking people for no reason is forbidden, but what about people that exploit the game, by 'jumping' servers to get behind people hidden in buildings, or escape with some loot in safety and then jump back on the current server? Are admins allowed to ban such people from their server? I appretiate any information about this topic! Thx! @devs:Great job with this mod!
  14. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    2 Questions before renting a server

    That is very nice to hear!
  15. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    2 Questions before renting a server

    Sorry, I didnt look exactly on the button and thought it says 'Reply' and not 'Report'. Anyway to cancel them? Basicly I wrote: Ok thx for the answers! And that I hope that this server jumper issue gets fixed with some patch somehow once.