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About robert_achleitner@chello.at

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Is this game dying?

    Hackz are goiing on.... Once the standalone is out the game will be crowded again... but until then, many people like me, stoped playing.. since it is a waste of time to play for 1 hour just to get killed/trolled by a script kiddie.
  2. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Not shooting an unarmed survivor...

    I would think that a 'hero' skin would take some of the nice and dark atmosphere out of the game.... If you don't know a person you should always be scared :) This is what makes up the stories. However as rocket mentioned he wanted to do more with clothing... So it could be that some friendly clans make some kind of uniform. But then there is always teh chance someone uses it as a disguise :)
  3. The night has so much potential, but it is not used as it is intended right now. Only for making nice movies people use the normal settings. Else everyone seems to just put gamma to maximum. This makes the flashlight and flares kinda useless. You see more with the gamma adjustment and also get less attention. So i was wondering following: How does the light work with the objects/terrain in game? Is there some value calculated by how it is affected by all the lightsources? If so, would it be possible to add some treshold? So objects below a certain amount of light, will exactly have the same look, no matter how your gamma setup is? That way the only thing that raising the gamma does is make everything look greyish. Like: If (time=night&&lightvalue<=treshold) then lightvalue = 0) That way people would be forced to play with the flashlights and flares as it was intended. All objects above this treshold would not be affected... Thus normal gamma corrections for people with darker monitors are still possible. I really hope there is a way to take the 'gamma exploit' for the night out of the game.
  4. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Rocket: Please make some things clear to newcomers.

    It is a mod anyway.... people always forget that....
  5. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Hacker (Kerr) on UK6 around 12:40 pm CET 21/08/2012

    Anyone knows how this reports here work? Some devs read these reports actually? And is there a way to know for the hive, what ID that hacker had? Since i am not a server admin there, i only had the 'current name' of that hacker. I hope this was enough to track him down.
  6. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Hacker (Kerr) on UK6 around 12:40 pm CET 21/08/2012

    Better watch it on youtube directly to be able to read the chat.
  7. I wanted to pick up a buddy at electro. He said he met a guy there with a quad that is helping him. He told my buddy also, that he know that i am in the mountains NW of Electro (radar!!!) when i was too far away.... After he offering us his quad, since he didn't need it, and came back later with another Quad, I started to turn bandicam on.... and asked him if he could spawn us a helicopter. here is the video: http://youtu.be/lhQat5gKIHI In the end i crashed the helicopter into him and one of the spawned quads... So at least no godmode... But still, that hacking has to stop! Server UK6 Time ~ 12:40pm CET 21/08/2012 Hacker Name: Kerr
  8. Unfortunately not even ALT + F4 does help anymore against the hacks. I was just on a server where a guy hacked everyone into flying pigs... When you Alt+F4 the script just killed and respawned you (as a pig in debugforrest). Also a message appeared like: 'you dont try to Alt-F4 do you?' Only way to get out was to close Arma2 in the task manager. It has reached a state where I cant log in anymore. I guess it is time to wait for the standalone to come out where hopefully those stupid security holes are fixed.
  9. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I get the graphical glitches as much as before. Flush doesn't help... On some servers tough, it seems better for some reason. Also, the object detail has some influence on it... but i usually i cannot get rid of them completely
  10. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Player tags

    On a non regular (Thus veteran or expert) server there are no name tags at all... So it would not matter. Also when someone respawns the char is newly created, thus he got no bandit kills. However, if someone is a bandit you get a faster heartbeat if you mouse-over him (at least on reg servers). Also it seemed to me since the last patch that the bandid skins (mummy head) are back. Just don't trust anyone in game. The problem is, that once you know the game/mod there is not much to do other than killing people. And to gear up with basic gear works usually faster by killing others. Especially if people already have a group they play with. But be sure in the standalone version there will be more reason not to kill each other.
  11. robert_achleitner@chello.at

    Need some help with Bandicam

    I record with bandicam.... My only problem is that DayZ/Arma2 crashes on start when i have bandicam running already. So I start first DayZ/Arma2 then Alt-Tab once i got the menu (multiplayer, profiles, options,...) and start bandicam. It then asks me for the target, so after clicking on the Arma2/Dayz Tab in the taskbar DayZ is set as its target and then i see the FPS overlay already and bandicam works as usual.
  12. Honestly... Where do you take your motivation to play then still? It looks like all you do is hiding in the woods, eating cooked meat you got from prey and drink water from refillable bottles.... How long do you play a day? If it is just 15 mins a day it might still be fun. No offense, but no good gear, no PvP, only 37 Zombie kills in 69 days sounds like you are not doing anything in game really.
  13. Sorry, but that is a mistake. That only counts against zombies. If you are sure there are no zombies around use sprint run. For a player it does not make so much difference in sight if you are running upright or humpbacked... But you are faster if you are upright.... Thus harder to hit... Better is to run as fast as possible from cover to cover. Try to avoiding fields. If you cant, cross them as fast as possible by zig zag movement.
  14. Do you get anything special from having a lot of days standing next to your name? The point is that once you know how this game works, zombies aren't a threat anymore... You will be able to sneak through most to loot stuff... you will be able to kill zombies with better gear you have.... you know how to run to loose them fast.... You will have tools to cook food out of animals that you can shoot far away from any zombie + you can have refillable water bottles. In the end you could just stay in the woods near a water pond.... cook some meat... and that's it. What is left is to look for better gear (weapons usually) at the PvP hotspots and at crashed helicopter sites. If you make a camp or get some vehicles your stuff can just be stolen easily over night. Especially larger vehicles are not that hard to spot. What do you do with better gear or vehicles? You dont need it really against zombies, but against other players. Vehicles are great to pick up friends or scout the area for other camps or crashed heli sites. For Zombies it is fine enough to use pistols, since they dont attract that many zombies. Thus what do you need better gear for? The answer is PvP. Sorry, but you are wrong if you think the game is about surviving mostly. In the end it is about PvP. I am sure the standalone will be different, but this is a mod, so its possibilities are limited. As you said, you are new to the game. And thus you are frustrated becasue of getting shot so fast.... As someone stated before, try first a server that is not that populated and learn the game... Learn how to gear up fast and how to deal with zombies without wasting that much bulltets for them.... Once you are more experienced you will understand why people here focus on PvP and not on surviving anymore. Surviving by avoiding PvP is easy and boring.... Surviving while still trying to fight other groups its difficult and fun.