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Everything posted by FR_Clyde

  1. FR_Clyde

    The "Zombie" Virus and You.

    Just AMAZING!!!!
  2. Just got kicked from the FR265 server after gifting to an admin my hatchet to show my good intentions (kicked for:Play the game or log off)What the f*ck!? You guys are whinig on the forums about abusive banditism but encourage it ingame?! Okay then... Hey devs,You know what you should do? Stop listening to all these kids crying for anti-PVP fixes,As they want their ****ing PVP PS:Posting it on this forums as i can't report it,forgot to take a screenshot.
  3. Just got kicked from the FR265 server after gifting to an admin my hatchet to show my good intentions (kicked for:Play the game or log off)What the f*ck!? You guys are whinig on the forums about abusive banditism but encourage it ingame?! Okay then... Hey devs,You know what you should do? Stop listening to all these kids crying for anti-PVP fixes,As they want their ****ing PVP PS:Posting it on this forums as i can't report it,forgot to take a screenshot.
  4. FR_Clyde

    Constructive Criticism and Fixes

    I agree with the forteress idea but would more see the safe zone decreasing the Zeds(&item) spawn rate depending on how may players are around than making them arbitrary disapear,so as to decrease the chance of this feature being exploited
  5. FR_Clyde

    Give Me a Reason To Kill Zeds

    The point of the game is surviving Killing Zeds is part of it. You're like asking a reason to mine diamonds in minecraft: You simply don't need to
  6. FR_Clyde

    French RP Stories - Need to find a car .....

    Pas mal pour un début,par contre évite les highlight massif de ce genre ça pique les yeux :lol:
  7. Make that when you move a weapon (E.G:from gear to backpack) the game moves the weapon and nothing else. This may be a good temporary hotfix for the glitch that makes your gun disapear into the void(making it happen half less often) ,and would make switching beetween your rifle and your hatchet in your backpack way more convenient