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About bloodxgusher

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bloodxgusher

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Lol this kid. Isnt he banned from forums? [attachment=482] I run into him on servers often. mouthy this one is.
  2. bloodxgusher

    Scorped rifles need to go or become ULTRA rare

    ....Scorped lol :) I walk around Chernarus all day..sniper heaven..not a problem at all. Just learn you be aware of you surroundings. Snipers are pretty easy to spot up high or on ground. THey aggro everything.
  3. bloodxgusher

    Walkie Talkies.

    Doesn't the ACRE mod do this already?
  4. bloodxgusher


    Did a search and did not come across any threads on the subject The Proposal: Territories Basically giving the player whether Survivor or Bandit to setup and claim a territory. 1. This would clearly draw the line in the sand thus creating actual factions. 2. These places would offer a temporary safe-haven OR and objective somewhat forcing others of the same faction to work together to protect this location or see it over-run by zombies or members of a hostile faction. Allow players to stash items for safe keeping (((all providing this is something the servers are stable to enough handle))) 3. This can be done a number of ways. a. These locations start out as structures or objects purely created by the player using objects obtained from the world as he and she do their exploring/scavenging. (*( I know what your thinking, how could this be done? These locations would only be relative to THAT server and not everyone else)*) My only solution to that is becoming a player/supporter of that particular server to maintain your factions territories thus building small networks on servers. OR b. These locations become part of the mission. The developers plop down these centers of importance and it is up to the player to explore the map, find them, maintain them and alter them. Every so often, new locations can be placed or moved to create new interactions and variety OR c. These locations in a less direct form, are implemented as quest/missions that randomly pop up OR are activated dependent on what type of item the player picks up or where he/she has been. Essentially these missions/quest would give the player a reward, for maybe gathering a resource, helping a NPC or simply clearing a mob of angry man eating people. I can most certainly add more but lets see what people think about these few ideas AND if they are actually practical for Arma 2 or Arma 3. Thanks for reading.