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Everything posted by calabam

  1. Dunno only been playing this over a week but me and 2-3 friends are killin sum zombies and hunting other players for me its great fun , also the zombies are a way of spotting other players etc etc and any idiots we have seen running though town we have happily blown there heads off , folk are saying this is only and alpha and it will change more and more well i have played loads of mods over the years and usually they tend to be best at the start and end up getting worse not better . The difference here is this mod is very popular so fingers crossed for me if you want more zombie killing its gona take tonnes of work to get them to behave differently , instead of the stupid zombies who run like a train and u cant barely hit unless your inside a building or the fact the climb 50 ft ladders after you or when you tryin to shoot them keep appearing reappearing , If you want more grouping up and non pvp the game would need to go more mmo'ish and mabay have mobs /npc's that required more players to kill etc . At the moment theres zero point in roaming around just killing zombies and just stayin alive on a online server this could be done offline in a single player game ... they fact is its a freked up would in dayz so get used to it and kill everything you see !
  2. I enjoy the survial and scavange style of the game but its gotta have pvp the zombies are annoying / terrible scripted and for me in a lawless world most folk would kill each other for there cans of beans . Also there is .. well at the moment at least not real point in killing zombies unless there actually gonna kill you .
  3. calabam


    Sum sorta updates going on .
  4. calabam

    IF this was an actual game...

    Would be happy to pay for standalone game or even if it was turned into an mmo sub type thing although being an mmo player maself the pay per month thing is slowly dying off and more and more games are FTP.
  5. calabam

    Great Mod !

    Just a short post to say i'm loving Dayz been playing less than a week and i cant get enough of it ! Its mods like this that actualy remind me why its worth while still having a PC and not just playing another lame console port . Hopefully the mod just gets better and better and or Bohemia forks out the cash and helps Rocket make a standalone game. :D Also i see theres a lotta cheating going on which is a real shame hopefully something will get sorted soon on that !
  6. calabam

    LU221 Cheat ?

    Was playin on LU221 this morining basically all of a sudden i was spawned to the beach with basically what seemed like every player on the server, now i'll hold ma hands up and say i fired a few bursts of ma AK at the masses then ran like hell for the treeline thinking i was about safe when it somebody shot me down ( who seemed rather well placed in the treeline may i add) . Was rather annoyin due to the fact i had a load of really good kit at the time . Is this some sort hack or bug ? i have only been playing dayz for not even a week so its the first this has happened so dont know.