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Everything posted by calabam

  1. calabam

    Server Spawning refinement

    I think he means why after being on one server for so long is he still getting a 200 sec wait time when he switches servers , and that please wait happened to me either and when i logged i was dead :(
  2. calabam

    Sporter 22 Mags?

    Yeah basically its the Amphibia after chambering one round and firing it it wouldn't let me chamber another saying it was full i havent been on again since yesterday to see it ifs still an issue
  3. calabam

    What do now?

    Like it or not combat is the end game of dayz others will tell you go and have an epic adventure and tell your story on here or reddit but these folk are essentially fame hungry whores all streaming themselves and hoping to become the next youtube sensation. Go and shoot at some folk get killed and lose your gear .. you wont get any good at combat if you dont experience any.
  4. calabam

    When Does The " ALPHA!" Excuse End?

    I think over the next few months we should see some fairly big improvements to the game but for me its really took the success of the initial sales to really spark some real life into the project prior to that i was thinking this could turn out a real turkey but finally i think the project has a a decent amout of resources ( hands on deck ) to deliver this game the next 3-6 months cant come quick enough.
  5. calabam

    Sporter 22 Mags?

    Found one this afternoon in a police station i had a mag in the same room also found Amphibia there was no clip around for that , possible bug with that i dont know if this has happened to others but i chamber 1 round in it and fired it after that could chamber anymore and was sayin its was full.
  6. calabam

    A look back..where our travels started.

    Back when dayz was fun
  7. When i first played like many i joined a night server not having a clue what i was doing but man its was shit scary and fun me and the guys i used to play with would hunt folk on servers at night throwing flares etc around having all sorts of fun with others , now i never join a night server mostly cos i play solo i'm looking forward to when the games a beta stage with most of the bugs ironed out and camping etc added to get back to playing at night with friends so yes having to just play in total dark with out any sort advantage would be good.
  8. surely none but then again these folks are a different breed from the rest of us am happy for all sorts of pvp and shitty deaths but cheating just plain sucks these sorta folk should just buy a bag of rice and start counting it
  9. calabam

    when might it come?

    Gees some guys asks a question some guy makes a comment uses the wrong word and next thing another guy loses the plot , fucking hell get a grip ! Also to the OP http://www.wowwiki.com/Soon
  10. The main issue for me is although so much has be added to the mod thats in the standalone theres so many things that me and many others thought would have been closer to have been solved when the alpha was released the main ones being the zombies and glitching thru walls etc the big game breakers are still there and thats why it draws so much heat from folk .
  11. calabam

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    Well most people are not so quick to be total cunts in real life as they are on the end of a keyboard !
  12. calabam

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    I have no issue with folk shooting me for now reason its the folk who shout and call me all sorts of things through the in game mic that really annoys me now there is no need for that !
  13. This game could defo suck when its finished i agree .. hoping it wont tho !
  14. Yes theres all ready to many for me dont have a clue whuich ammo goes with what gun :(
  15. Fast zombies , no thanks they should be slow , infected could be quick but they would need to die off ( lack of food ) if they where included
  16. calabam

    Game Development Priorities

    Combat logging and server hopping are not game breaking features the current fix for them has spawn a load of other issues which now have to be worked on instead of stuff like game/server performance which would lead to being able to increase spawn rates of items and zombies , also pathing issues and the fact zombies can see you through builds etc are more game breakers than whether you your loot of some guy you KoS. I still feel this game is getting developed like an mod and not a multi million dollar selling game .
  17. calabam

    More Zeds

    I dont wanna see more zombies either till they sort there pathing issues but the simple fact is to really test the server load and to improve optimization they have to be added.
  18. calabam

    So ...

    I see fall damage has been added again i stepped halfway off the stairs in a barn not only did it ruin everything in my pockets etc ( you have go to be kidding me ) but i also have broken legs its seems . With the lack of a respawn feature and zero zombies about i now have the joys of crawling around hoping to find somebody to kill me. Great stuff it makes the game so much fun ! >:(
  19. Yeah same , i thought this was supposed to be fixed today seems its still not sorted .
  20. calabam

    updates - loot and zombies through walls

    Shame all the folk crying about combat loggers , loot farming didnt get hit with that line !
  21. calabam

    So ...

    Ha yeah after i cralwed for about 5 minutes i thought i should have tried that !
  22. calabam

    Guns not casuing bleeding?

    Yeah was gettin hit of a zombie earlier and i didnt start bleeding either
  23. calabam

    Airfields and military bases are dumb

    The loot system sucks , i'm fed up running around in an area when theres little chance of everything not having already being looted its one of the main reason i can't stand playing dayz currently
  24. calabam

    Talk about priorities...

    Well said ! It fine when all the cry baies complain about combat loggin or server hopping ( which is down to the fact the loot system is fucking terrible ) its ok but complain about anything else and you get hit with ' ITS ONLY ALPHA ' from the fan boys