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Everything posted by calabam

  1. calabam

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    Shoot anybody you see cos when yer back is turned or your at your weakest these folk could quite happily kill you and steal all yer gear ! Screw what anybody else tells you 100% of them have did this before themselves and if you want to make the world a better place step away from your keyboard and go volunteer at your local charity !
  2. calabam

    Zombie view distance

    Yeah am hoping by beta or whenever they are fixed we are not gona have zombies with eagle sharp eyesight which is complete bullshit .
  3. calabam

    Why nobody want to play in the night time?

    I love playing both day and night in the mod but until the game is more reliable i'll stick to day also night was great fun in a group we used to love hunting down folk throwing flares etc great fun can be had at night !
  4. calabam

    OMG I found a tent

    is it a named brand ? i like a Vango?
  5. calabam

    What's up with the axes/melee weps?

    played tonite for first time in a while melee seems totally broke , gave up trying to kill zombies couldnt hit them hardly .. game breaker for me !
  6. calabam

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    i love console for certain kinds of games but DayZ no thanks this is just another way to squeeze every buck out the name
  7. calabam

    Pistol and Magazine rarity poll

    questions could use a little work .
  8. When the game runs faultless they can start increasing zombie damage but untill then they should be fairly easy to kill
  9. Its a sandbox game this about as good as it gets for something to do
  10. calabam

    Is item damage OP?

    Yes its completely OP
  11. calabam

    First Balancing pass on firearms

    But isnt it alpha ?
  12. yeah i would like some kinda message would be nice to kno how i die
  13. Is there a full list of changes made to dayz all in one post/thread or document available , some friends are coming back after a few months away and having barely played much the past 1-2 months myself although I have been checking the forums and reddit regularly i have prolly missed a few things .
  14. hope it stays and cant what all the fuss would be about if it did with all the maps and other resources available does it really matter !
  15. calabam

    So I saw this for A3

    This is the way it should be !
  16. calabam

    Devs Have Been Spoiling Us Lately

    This is the way the updates should be coming in now the extra folk working on the project should be up to speed , game should be improved greatly in the next couple months.
  17. Yeah all good and well but when Hall leaves people will be crying for all these loot items and whoever will be in charge will crank up the loot button and all but a few of the guys who think they are living the game in real-life will be happy.
  18. calabam

    Enfield & Winchester

    Who cares if they could have been in the country or not get them in its a zombie game for christsake its hardly true to life .
  19. calabam

    The sun... so OTT, needs toning down.

    Yeah its far to bright you basically cant see where you are going running in some directions.
  20. calabam

    I won't lie, I'm quite excited

    Now that the world cup has started i couldnt care less tbh all to late for me
  21. calabam

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    And the pantomime continues .
  22. calabam

    Real question about the community

    Why are folk so obsessed with other players game styles ?
  23. Do a degree in law and read war and peace .
  24. calabam

    To the guy at NWAF...

    I found a can of beans and a backpack .