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Longknife (DayZ)

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About Longknife (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Longknife (DayZ)

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    When it goes away, so does my interest. I always play in 3rd person.
  2. Longknife (DayZ)

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Hey people, I just bought Combined Arms for the explicit purpose of playing this Mod. As a lifelong fan of the Zombie Films and games I was entertained by the various videos showing game play. I downloaded 1.5.6 and got to play about an hour. It was fun. The next day, 1.5.7 came out. Though the game is fun there are problems in my opinion. 1. There are just too many zombies. The game's best feature is the suspense that is built up over time. If you know a horde is going to just spawn into existence, it destroys the feel. A zombie encounter should be a die roll. It could be one, it could be 100. But when you know your Zombie encounters are almost always a horde. It loses something. Not to mention it destroys the enjoyment of a situation that is too skewed in one direction. Even if that's the perception you want to share. It shouldn't be the actual situation, at least not all the time. 2. Bandits. If I see someone with a Bandit outfit, I'm likely to kill them first and ask questions later. When you are forced to kill someone in self defense it is not a humanity losing act. It's self defense. Your system does not allow for self defense killing. And therefore the entire humanity system is flawed. Killing someone in self defense should not cause you to be associated with murderers. If I am forced to defend myself, and forced to look like a bandit. My game is done. The moment it happens, I am forced to kill everyone I see. They are likely to consider me a danger. You don't need to have this to create paranoia and tension in the game, it exists already. The bandit look and consequences are not a fun part of the game. Right now I'm going to take a break from this mod and follow here to see what changes come about. It's a great mod and I'm excited to see what you do with it.