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About mofoho

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    On the Coast
  1. mofoho

    Day Z Urban Legends

    first time poster, don't know what if this is weird coincidence or what, but this happened to me like 3 days ago. I was a fresh spawn and was trying to loot some small towns. I attracted some zombies so I ran for the hill. I kept running towards the steep hill and by the time I got on top I escaped. The top of the hill is like a never ending field where I was trying to find a way back down to civilizations. There were no trees no nothing, just green grass. I ran for maybe 15-20 min and I still couldn't find a downhill slope. I thought I probably got glitched or something. Without food and water I decided to log off because I was getting bored. So after a while I logged back in and the server was in night time. It was pitch dark and I saw 2 lights in front of me. I also heard the engine noise that sounded like a jeep. I put my crosshair on and it was a car that parked right in front of me. I was like what the hell I am gonna starve to death anyway so I got into the passenger seat hopefully the guy would take me with him. I couldn't see a thing inside and suddenly I got shot in the face and died. It felt really weird because I was in the middle of nowhere up on the hill and just so happened a jeep parked right in front of me when I spawned in the dark. It felt like some scary movies where that the killer is waiting for me to get in then murder me.