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Everything posted by T3kn0man

  1. AKM. Great round size, availability, hitting power, range, and great for anti-player/zombie power. Plus I love the look.
  2. A video must be done to Chariots of Fire. The internetz demand it!
  3. Nice thread full of a group that thinks it won't happen because it will be "raided." Let's put on our thinking caps and follow our logic train to where we can draw conclusions shall we? For one no server has been announced (and prolly won't be, keep the circle tight). So all your ideas of "it's gonna be raided" talk is going to be hard until you "know" where this stockpile is at. Point two if they have a decent sized group (Let's say five for now) and the means to equip them good luck solo rambos taking them out. You aren't Rambo, you have the same blood at most that they have. You might get lucky and get a few but it only takes one, and when the secret is out (If you can even draw that conclusion which again, burden of knowledge!) guess what? They got their group to move their crap to another place. NUMERO THREE: If another organized group takes the time and effort to assault them and take the stockpile then who says it's a failure? It took at least an equal amount of effort to take it as it did to build it. Actually it probably took more because you had to organize, find them, and then rather than trade or get whatever you wanted from the pile (which they said is up for everyone!) you decided to let greed (not a bad thing) or being a jerk (kinda a bad thing) to ruin something for everyone. Which they can then move to another server, change their names, and start all over again. Grats, you sure showed them. Worth mentioning as well think of the friends they are going to make attempting this. Sure it might be a learning experience (they have others to help them that have succeeded!) but they will curry the favor fellow players who might then want to make it bigger and better. This has the potential to band many together for a common cause and should be encouraged if anything just to see where it leads. This game is an experiment, so let's....experiment... Go for it man. My advice is to find six people you trust, get on a teamspeak(vent or whatever) coordinate a server you guys all can play on, and get the pile going. If you want other ideas PM me. If you happen to make it on a server I am on (and I find out) I will be glad to help out in whatever way (maybe as a supplier?)
  4. Done and done. Thank you for helping out!
  5. T3kn0man

    Completely invisible

    Ditto here as well. Invis in third person, wierd skin in first and texture on my whinny.
  6. T3kn0man

    Winny changes

    As a dedicated Winny user (love the gun even if it is just a place holder...) I got to run the weapon through the paces this past night. I started on some barn outskirts and tried my usual long distance shooting. Around 100-150 I can still center mass a Zomble and drop it, though there seems to be a bit more of a delay before it drops (I dunno if it's cause they need to bleed out or what...) Around the same range I didn't see it draw any more agro than before. Tried it with larger clumps outside a small town and found that I could reasonably at shorter distances (75-99 roughly) could still pop a few before I could summon a horde. Anything closer and you will get tons on you. So now you have to choose your shots better. To conclude overall I love it from a sense of immersion and balancing. With it having a good amount of rounds per stack, ease of use, availability, and stopping power it should have at least one drawback and the sound though it will take some getting used to is just about right. It is still the ultimate survivalist gun providing you with a good reliable weapon that doesn't take much space and you can thin hordes without fretting too much.
  7. T3kn0man

    Wildies vs Coasties. Which are you?

    I tend to like the north. I like going to the smaller towns and barns and fields. Scoping them out, blasting zombies with my winchester and revolver. I love having tons of food, soda, and hunting. Only head to towns for medical supplies or the occasional rescue mission. I have been focusing on the castle areas but now am trying out the area around the NW airfield. Time to get me an AKM and see how that feels.
  8. T3kn0man

    What do we call our undead friends?

    Zombels (zombles?) from my minecraft days. Dunno why but it makes sense.
  9. T3kn0man

    Why does hardly anyone go north??

    I pretty much stick to the north. I make my rounds to smaller locations as I am in it for the survival horror aspect (which is why I still use my Winchester and Revolver) and not the guns blazing part. I am sure that will change but for now I like my supply runs and stalking the few people I come across. Haven't killed anyone yet up north...they have bigger problems than little ol' me.