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Everything posted by sxcblood

  1. ill trade one for my spare m14 aim ill trow in a m4a1 sd for free
  2. i'm in possession of a l85a2 and i sadly have to agree that this gun is retardedly overpowered there is no way to counter its thermal and it seems unrealistic in the post apocalyptic theme right now i can scout 0,5-2km for heat signatures to see if there is anyone alive and it simply makes this game extremely easy i scout for kills on top of a hill, swap to my sniper and get a free easy kill without actually having spot the player there should rather be made a counter for thermal or complete removal of the sight
  3. lately i've noticed the steady decrease of the inteligence ammong bandits it seems that they are eather greatly underage to even play this game or lack any experiance with basic shooters. the last squad i've acompanied died whitin 5mins of entering chernarus without even being able to take a single enemy down and then expects me to run into the open like they blatendly did and get shot aswell, let me just tell you this, fuck you and your shit im out, back to solo bandit
  4. sxcblood

    removal of thermal sights

    I'm talking abouth the l85 being acurate up to 600meters my longest shot with it is around 800ish, wound but not kill
  5. sxcblood

    removal of thermal sights

    There is nothing op abouth a heuy they are an easy target and go down pretty easily
  6. sxcblood

    removal of thermal sights

    Its not that rare tbh i've got 4 in my tent and its quite strong before i switched to my as50 i've used it as a main sniper being accurate up to 600 meters if you calculate the downfall correctly, it 3/4 hits players and in my oppinion the gu. should only have a nightvision scope
  7. sxcblood

    Backpack eats primary weapons

    stay whitin looting range of original weapon empty out slots till you have 10free slots weapon gained
  8. sxcblood

    To all spawn killers out there!

    i wait at the beach, before u can use your "leet scriptz" on them they have to get past me, win/win situation
  9. sxcblood

    To all spawn killers out there!

    i dont kill freshly spawned players only little kids do that, i simply shoot them in the legs and watch them crawl for hours untill they logout, the removal of the respawn button is the best thing ever
  10. sxcblood

    L85 AWS or M4A3 CCO

    the l85 is pretty easy to master in close combat, aim with the midle of your screen before zooming, tap shoot once before aiming, aim and tap once more and you have a sure kill, this is how i used it to kill zombies chasing me, if caught offguard by a player simply switch on full auto and spray it in there direction also dont walk around with 3rth person, it limits your ability to quickly aim
  11. sxcblood

    So what's your DayZ soundtrack?

    for some reson after you've really started lissening it is hard not to repeat the song after its compleated how can you not love this song, im at the 38min mark right now
  12. sxcblood

    So what's your DayZ soundtrack?

    becouse deep inside we are all a pedophile specially for you
  13. sxcblood

    Dayz unplayable due to hackers

    my filter is set at a minimum of 30 so that doesnot apply, howeaver i do mainly play veteran servers on nl and de maybe thats the reason i dont know
  14. sxcblood

    LF Group with SICK people

    then why are you trying to brag abouth how "evil" you are, you need to grow up and act appropiate to your age, we all enjoy messing with people yet we refrain from bragging abouth howmuch better we are than others
  15. sxcblood

    Dayz unplayable due to hackers

    why is it that i keep seeing these topics but the last time i've encountered a hacker was over 3weeks ago?
  16. people with deleted or corrupted files, just ignore the msges as the software is doing its job
  17. sxcblood

    L85 AWS or M4A3 CCO

    the l85 will give you much more cover as you can scout area's quickly for heat signatures before moving on, it oneshots zombies and 2/3shots players. abandon the m4a3 inside your tent and stick with the l85, the m4a3 is only needed in close combat situations if you play pve but for survivabilty it simply isnot as good as the l85 anyone preffering the m4a3 above the l85 is simply retarded in my eyes
  18. sxcblood

    LF Group with SICK people

    inb4 op announces hes 14
  19. sxcblood

    Streamer on Twitch with hackers

    probbly just fanboys that asume he will be friends with them if they give him stuf, shame he takes advantage of this tho
  20. well i tryed relogging, i dont see any land i dont have the slightest clue of how i can get out of here
  21. those loud bangs and such are just anoying as shit, wheneaver they are blasting trough my headphones i'm unable to hear anyone on ts, which files should i delete to remove this
  22. sxcblood

    how to remove random music sounds

    ah that helps thanks man
  23. ill team with ya, what kinda gear do you have?