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36 Good

About sxcblood

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  1. sxcblood


    the orriginal /b/ronies where the ancientfags of 4chan in a last resort to flush out the moralfag's the bronies now are just closet faggots
  2. sxcblood


  3. sxcblood

    Player keLz0 deactivated trees

    i like that hat, i wonder how that zombie can balance that on top of his head
  4. sxcblood

    The most incredible moment i've had in DayZ

    i was just sitting chillin down the northern hill of electro when i heard some hillbilly yell jippee ki yay motherfucker i have no idea what was going on but apparently he was having some trouble with his buddy because he shot him right in the face and then he walked the dinosaur
  5. sxcblood

    Arma2 Black Edition

    you mispronounced english
  6. sxcblood

    DayZ Group Phoenix PMC Recruitment

    you're not even old enough to play this game
  7. ill join if your able to supply me with as50 ammo
  8. sxcblood


    all testing servers kick upon join but are still connected to the hive, mainly to hoard items and vehicles but with a excuse to kick you
  9. there's tomuch text in this fucking topic
  10. sxcblood

    Staff banning for exploits

    its there server, if they wish to ban for duping let them. op is probably buthurt because of banned status
  11. buthurt scriptkiddies your tears feed my hunger quite well, proceed with your topic so i can laugh at your frustration
  12. well basically one of my dominator gt gives me a dram light, i've tryed pressing the mem-ok button but it just flashes and then proceeds to flash a little faster, the other card works just fine but now i'm stuck with only one ram stick
  13. sxcblood

    In game Brony Meetup!

    ill come, what server are you guys planning on going on
  14. a single shot in there direction usualy makes snipers relocate or crawl away giving there positions away dont lay in direct vieuw of the airport but monitor the locations people use as cover