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Everything posted by TITONICS2

  1. Hi I am looking for a group of people in the Australian time zone. I am asking because solo surviving is very difficult and I need a helping hand of a second person or a group of people which I woould be greatful for. I do have a quality headset. My steam is :[KAZ]TITONICS2
  2. There should be a way to know the difference between Bandits and survivors. But it will be very difficult. I know I am a friendly. So Honey Badger if we do cross paths I am TITONICS2 on DayZ you don't need to kill me, I'll probably join you for safety.

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi there I am TITONICS2. I am also known as TITONICS2 on DayZ as well. I enjoy playing DayZ a lot. However knowing that there are bandits out there it give me a challange. I enjoy killing zombies a lot and surviving and setting a goal that would make my game much longer on DayZ.