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Burt Reynolds

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Everything posted by Burt Reynolds

  1. Burt Reynolds

    Favorite DayZ youtubers

    DaSquirrelsNuts is my favorite, then Sacriel.
  2. Burt Reynolds

    AS50 TWS

    You might get banned from servers by server admins but you wont get globally banned for it.
  3. Burt Reynolds

    U.S. West Coast LFM

    Skype: skimmin850
  4. Burt Reynolds

    looking for a serious squad? come here.

    Age:21 Skype: skimmin850 Currently have AS50 and L85A2 AWS, so can snipe and or scout.
  5. Age: 21 steam name: skimmin850 how long have you played: A little over a month. Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) equipment you currently have: AS50 with 7 mags, L85A2 AWS with 5 mags, M1911, Rangefinder, NVGs, Ghillie, Coyote Backpack, and all tools.
  6. Burt Reynolds

    Chernarus Tactical Force ~RECRUITING~

    1. How long have you had DayZ? About a month. 2. How old are you? 21 3. What is your favorite weapon/role? DMR/Sniper 4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: No DayZ clans but currently in BF3 clan. 5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? Yes Steam or Skype name: skimmin850 for both
  7. Burt Reynolds

    Trading for Nato rounds or MK48

    I will trade mk48 with 3 mags for AS50 with a few mags and rangefinders.
  8. Burt Reynolds

    Burt_Reynolds DAYZ recommendations

    Lmao...when I saw this post I thought someone was talking shit about me because I play under the name Burt Reynolds in DayZ.
  9. Burt Reynolds

    Strange noises...

    invisible hacker!!!
  10. Burt Reynolds

    Mk 48 Mod 0 for anything

    I will trade for a AS50 and ghillie. Got 3 100 round mags with it.
  11. Burt Reynolds

    Trading a GPS for a ghille suit.

    I dont have skype...
  12. Burt Reynolds

    Trading a GPS for a ghille suit.

    I can do this...I'm also near NW airfield
  13. Burt Reynolds

    I Achieved my Dream Loadout!!

    All I need now for my perfect loadout is a pair of NVGs. Got a DMR, which can be used with NV, FN FAL, M9 SD, and ghillie.
  14. Burt Reynolds

    Chopper battle and car chase! [VIDEO] Amazing!

    Why weren't zombies spawning on the crashed helicopter?
  15. Burt Reynolds

    DayZ Stories

    I log in at the grocery store in Cherno, where I had abruptly logged off the night before after my two comrades (Rick and Glenn) had been harassed by a hacker who was placing bear traps all over the place in front of them and breaking their legs. It's getting dark; I see a player crouched over picking loot off the store floor. I am currently holding the rare L85A2 AWS in my hands that I had gotten after Glenn sniped a couple players running through Cherno the day before, not risking losing the gun, I put a few rounds from my 1911 into him and ended his life. My two comrades are making their way to Cherno with fresh characters after getting killed the night before. They go through Cherno and gear up and we rendezvous at the medical tents. It's pitch black by now and we decide to make our way toward Stary. We have one person with a chemlight leading the way. We go over the tree covered hills north of Cherno and somehow Glenn veers off and gets lost. Rick and I make our way out into the field on the other side of the hill and throw down a flare to help him find us while I scan the tree line with infrared. I then switch to night vision and keep scanning. I then see movement running parallel with the tree line on the hill. I noticed he is wearing a ghillie suit, which none of us were currently wearing, so I shoot off a round in his direction to possibly scare him away. Glenn finds us and we continue toward Stary. We get to Stary and loot the military tents and find nothing good. We now make our way to the Northwest Airfield. Approaching the airfield I post up and scan with thermal for any activity while my comrades go loot the barracks to the south. I see a bus parked east of the barracks in the field of the runway. I run over and jump in the driver seat to see the condition it's in. To my surprise it is in perfect shape with 3/4 tank of gas. I check to see what kind of gear is in it, there was an M14 and some DMR mags to go with it, along with some other odd ball loot. I sit and watch over the bus and continue to scan the airfield with thermal for activity while my comrades make their way across to loot the hangers, fire station, control tower, and northern barracks. While they are looting the fire station, I hear a vehicle approaching to the west. I see a Ural speeding down the west side of the airstrip and heading north. It disappears from my sight and Rick thinks it must be heading for the northern barracks. They make their way north to the barracks to investigate but the Ural is no where to be found. After we all settle down, they loot the barracks and head back south to loot the control tower. I come by and pick them up with the bus and swing around the airfield heading south. Before we could make it out of the airfield we are fired upon. My comrades hop out of the bus and go prone while I swing back around to draw fire so they can determine the direction from which the gunman is shooting. All of a sudden Glenn is unloaded on by a suppressed weapon and killed. At this point we knew he had to have night vision. Glenn tells us it came from the trees southeast of the hangers. I swing by and scoop up Rick with the bus to try and put some distance between us and the shooter. He takes out one of the wheels and the bus is only capable of doing circles. We hop out of the bus and I begin to scan the trees with my thermal scope for the gunman and can't see him. Rick jumps back in the bus and starts doing circles in the airfield to try and draw the shooter back out so I can spot him. I strafe up a little hill to my right to get a better vantage point all the while scanning the trees. I spot him crouch running a few meters and he suddenly turns and aims directly at me and bullets begin to whiz by my head. I take off into some shrubbery and go prone. After a few seconds he starts shooting at the bus again. With my scope zeroed in at 300m, I crouch walk out of the bushes, spot him again, and pop off 4 shots; killing him. My heart was pounding like crazy. No other game has came even close to rise given from playing this game. I go and loot his body. He had a ghillie suit, possibly the same bush wookie I seen north of Cherno, with a M4A1 camo SD, night vision goggles, range finder, a gps, and other crap we had no use for. Rick received the NVGs since I already had a thermal and NV scope on my gun. I took the range finder and gps. We searched the airfield for another tire to no avail and decided to head south back toward Cherno. About half way there we were disconnected due to a server restart. Here's the link to our adventure from Rick's point of view: http://www.twitch.tv...ick/b/326142765