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shadow ghoul

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Everything posted by shadow ghoul

  1. The fact that you feel you have to justify your playstyle is what's holding this game back
  2. shadow ghoul

    "Friendlies" are just a bunch of lamers

    What is punctuation?
  3. shadow ghoul

    The rage... oh the rage...

    You clearly cant handle death to player confrontation. You seem to believe that your 3 hours of running up the coast makes you more deserving of survival than his probably comparable time of running up the coast and server hopping in the most dangerous spot in the game. Why were you on a low population server? Trying to play (farm gear) without player contact? Because that's perfectly fine, but being a bitch and complaining when other people do it isnt. carebear pls go
  4. Wait people are actually having problems with zombies? The first thing i do when i spawn is turn my shirt into rags and shirts are pretty common
  5. shadow ghoul

    The bandit killer...

    oh my god you are the reason i KOS
  6. shadow ghoul

    A whole new level of douchebaggery

    pardon me if i'm wrong but it seems like you think what you've done is somehow special or new. try force feeding disinfectant to new spawns , it would be a start
  7. shadow ghoul

    DayZ Music

    why anyone would play with music unnecessary noise is beyond me
  8. I am going to express irrational hatred towards you because I have chosen to play the game differently than you.
  9. how is this not graveyarded?
  10. But I like looking around walls
  11. shadow ghoul

    That moment when your friendly to unarmed

    I kill anyone I dont know in real life
  12. shadow ghoul

    Need a dayz Squard! for youtube!

    what's your channel?
  13. shadow ghoul

    sniper damage

    So one clan can stick them in a stash in the corner of their server?
  14. Grammar Nazi reporting. English teachers exist for a reason; they actually make things possible to read.
  15. shadow ghoul

    Help - How do I increase my aim?

    get a DMR and it wont matter
  16. turning off postprocess effects removes vision blur at low health, but to each his own i guess
  17. get a better computer and it wont be a problem. Im running 3570k, 8gb ram, gtx680 2gb vram and i get like 40fps in big cities. Also if you play with postprocessing effects you may want to rethink your life
  18. shadow ghoul

    Looking for group members!

    you play as a bandit/hero?