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About ReyDeLaLuna

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ReyDeLaLuna

    Better PC gets worse performance. (FPS)

    Same problem. Have a very good machine, can run Arma 2 regular fine, DayZ Shits the bed randomly. Tried Ramdisk, tried EVERYTHING, all the optimization guides, everything. Runs the same fully cranked as on very low.
  2. I've tried everything. I think that at this point I can safely say it's just that some servers for, whatever reason, have better framerates than others. I've been in full ones, empty ones, ones with good and bad ping, and have tried all types of different settings and such. Sometimes I get a smooth game, other times it's a slideshow. I hope that there is some sort of workaround or fix in the future.
  3. My group and I just had what was the most intense videogame experience any of us had ever had. My group and I hit the church in search of supplies and a rendevous point for some other people we were meeting. When we ran into the church, we found a random pubber, Shifty. We tell him we are friendly and even give him an AK, AMMO, and some steak and pepsi. He says he is happy to meet some people who werent dicks. While we were getting to know our new friend, another one of our boys heads towards the school with a crowbar. He tells us that he has seen a group of people and that they heard us at the church. He gets to us, and a few seconds later we hear "This is the new world order, come out with your hands up" We proceed to yell back and forth as they tell us they surround the church. They make a few attempts to enter, and a few very brief, very intense shootouts take place. During one of their assaults, 2 of our 5 men get taken out. This sends the remaning survivors into a tizzy. With both sides yelling various obscenities and cliches, i remember that i have a frag grenade. I yell something to the tune of "Why dont you come get some of this" and toss it. It explodes, the direct comm becomes a torrent of chatter trying to figure out what has just happen. They back off for the moment, and our group has found a true brother in Shifty, who helped us hold the ground. After a long period of quiet, we learn that they have set up an overwatch on the firestation. They make several more assaults, one of which claims my life, my friends life and even Shifty. Shifty, who told us that he had just wanted to find food and maybe a Makarov. All of these events take place over the course most tense hour and a half of any videogame i have ever played. There were moments where we had our guns trained on the door for twenty minutes, waiting for the inevitable hail of bullets that would claim our lives. Little did we know, that was just the beginning. The remainder of the night would see Electro turn into a warzone, the focal point being the church. The point of this story isnt to bash the new world order, in fact it is to praise them. Roleplaying game-stuff aside, the group i was with has said that it was the craziest, most unpredictable, intense, but most importantly, most fun that any of us had ever experienced in a video game environment. My mouse hand was literally quivering as our groups traded volleys of bullets, broken up with volleys of insults and failed negotiation. I lost a full toolbelt and arsenal, and i did it with a smile on my face. Thanks for everyone who was involved and thanks to the devs for taking the chance and making something so unique, the people of /vg/ truly admire your work. Emergent gameplay is real, it works, and it's fun. Here is a video of the second of many shootouts, which claimed the life of Jake, friend of Shiftty. It was created by ToxtethRed, who led the second defense of the church. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlBjnBlOr7U&feature=youtu.be
  4. ReyDeLaLuna

    Spawn and pass out

    I logged in today and spawned and immediately passed out. I cannot respawn and the meter is not ticking at all. My food is flashing red but i am not losing blood from it. Can an admin please restart me? ID-50369670
  5. ReyDeLaLuna

    Spawning unconscious, timer does not count down

    Same Problem, please help! ID-50369670
  6. So I arrived at the airfield near Balota with around 5 zombies chasing me. I sprint into one of the hangars and see another player. I yell into the mic that I need help. He proceeds to do so and starts picking of the zombies. I tell him don't worry about blood, that I'll bandage while he shoots. This doesn't last. He drops. He died trying to save me. I feel bad, but there are still zombies everywhere. I run out of the hangar and prone in the bushes next to it. The zombies deaggro and I'm back exploring the landing strip. I then find a hatchet in one of the smaller buildings and equip it. I decide to head back to the hangars, where homeboy got killed. As I turn the corner, I freeze in fear. There is another player, this time with a submachine gun. I yell that I'm friendly, that I won't hurt him, that I'm cool. He doesn't respond, but there is something wriggling on the floor in front of him. The person stands up, and he kills them. I think to myself "he just shot the guy that killed me, I'm next". I charge in with my hatchet and bury it in his face several times, killing him. At this point I realize the mistake I had made. He had actually killed a zombie. The guy who tried to save me was surrounded by zombies, that this new guy had killed, trying to save him. And in front of the new guy, was another zombie. I didn't know zombies were able to crawl, and had assumed the person who got up and had been shot was another player. I can't describe how bad I felt for killing this dude. His name was "Garrett", and if you're reading, I'm sorry. On the same token, I'm glad I felt bad and that an exclusively multiplayer experience was even capable of making me feel any kind of emotion aside from satisfaction of winning. I've been playing for 2 days now and this is just one of a few crazy stories I've had. Big thanks to the Devs for having the balls to think outside the box and make the game me and all my gamer friends have been talking about forever.
  7. Regular Arma 2 OA and other mods run fine. Dayz on the other hand ranges from playable at around 30 to in the low teens. I'm guessing it has to do with how the server is pushing data. Just want to know if anyone has a similar problem or a workaround. The runs I've gotten in are stellar, but the game is getting less and less playable.