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About Du-z

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    On the Coast
  1. yeah and another report of it here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42442-au1-just-hacked/ im going to hold of on playing untill this issue gets resolved.
  2. yeah this happed to us, but to a diferent location do no go back to the same server heres the thread http://dayzmod.com/f...-same-location/
  3. yeah i just found a youtube vid of it happening to someone else. posted 7 jours ago. also in this thread the poeple got moved back to were they were before http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29581-hacker-teleported-me/
  4. Hey guys, the whole AU1 server got teleported to a hillside near the spawn points just before the server restart. SEE MAP I managed to abort the game before any shooting started from the other players. I have since loged back into the game, the first time i had started with nothing, but after loggin out and in again i am back with the stuff i had before but in the incorect location. I was 100 meter south of the barracks of the NW airfield i dont mind really if i get moved back to there but my mate has lost all of his inventory after dying. Edit first i thought it was a server bug or something. so i thought if i log back in after the restart everything should be alright. I was wrong though. My ID is 24896326