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Everything posted by aliensinmybrain

  1. aliensinmybrain

    Oculus Rift support for stand alone DayZ

    Bump.... This should be very important for the day stand alone...This might be a game changer.
  2. aliensinmybrain

    Kill Camera

    Stop dieing and you wont need a kill cam
  3. aliensinmybrain

    Dayz Graphics bug that is makes it unplayable

    Im having the same issue near military buildings. :/
  4. aliensinmybrain

    Helicopters in the game?

    show me some pics
  5. YES. who needs a gun when u can just run..
  6. aliensinmybrain

    Bought new cd key but im still banned

    Does anyone else smell that??
  7. aliensinmybrain

    m4a3 acog gl

    There is an m16 acog. but no M4. Im sear u wond want to be caught using or having a hacked weapon on your guy. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=M16A4_ACOG
  8. aliensinmybrain

    You were kicked from game

    everything was working fine till patch 1.6. I downloaded from the website copy and pasted. Now everytime i try and join a server it kicks me before I can click ok.
  9. aliensinmybrain

    Military skin?

    I watched a video and Rocket him self had some cool military skin.... Could have been a dev
  10. aliensinmybrain

    Waiting character to create problem

    This was happening to me ever since the servers came back online yesterday
  11. aliensinmybrain

    Notice: All those who get stuck at loading

    Ive been playing fine all weekend, then the hive went down sometime Monday morning for me (pst). I havnt been able to join the servers I was playing on this weekend or any server at all. Since the game came back online. I get stuck on waiting for char create or loading screen and have to restart.
  12. aliensinmybrain

    High Stakes Ambush - M203 Double Kill

    Without the use of 3rd person would have made this a great vid. Still good tho, but could have been great.
  13. aliensinmybrain

    Rearm 5.56 ammo

    Found an aamo crate in the north barrack. Said re arm 5.56 ammo. Then when I clicked gear, it said 20 stag clicps and 10 stag sd clips.
  14. aliensinmybrain

    is Rocket giving up on Dayz?

    video or in never happed
  15. aliensinmybrain

    What is your setup?

    pictures or it isnt true
  16. on my 24th day I died of hunger. Some bug made me drop my pack and couldnt get it back. Had all my food in it.
  17. aliensinmybrain

    day z clan wars??

    5 vs 5 is to small..Try 50 vs 50. Now that would be pretty fun. Then make the fight over cherno or elctro.
  18. aliensinmybrain

    removing bandit skin transition is a fail

    No reason for this post...Like it or leave it
  19. aliensinmybrain

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    ^^ Cheers to that
  20. aliensinmybrain

    A RL zed in Miami

    Thats how it starts...
  21. aliensinmybrain

    Food/Drink Bug

    same here. If you eat or drink then log. You lose what ever you ate or drank and ur still stuck almost dead.