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Mjolnir (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mjolnir (DayZ)

  1. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Stop all development; This must be added immediately

    If all else fails couldn't it be a generic "cream filled yellow cake product?"
  2. Mjolnir (DayZ)


    Instead of bears there should be TaunTauns; they could be killed and gutted and then used to keep warm (now that we have the annoying temperature index).
  3. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Where do you get anti-biotics?

    Its also funny that we are dealing with "normal" infections in a zombie game, where traditionally if someone is "infected" they are a zombie. I told him not to cough on me, but he wouldn't listen. Also apparently infections in Chernarus are so severe that you start showing symptoms within minutes after catching them...
  4. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    I think the temp system is interesting, but not really working well. If it is raining and my temp is going down, I should be able to warm up by going inside. Currently if you don't have matches and firewood (which takes up two slots) you are screwed when you get cold, and won't be able to shoot anything because of shivering. This makes surviving alone next to impossible, and will probably make people just disconnect when it starts raining.
  5. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Where do you get anti-biotics?

    This sickness is a pain in the ass. My friend spawned sick for some reason RIGHT AFTER INSTALLING THE PATCH, and since we travel together he made me sick as well. I think the infections should go away after a while without antibiotics; I don't want to be stuck like this forever.
  6. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Patch + Servers = Starving

    Can your character die from starvation when you aren't playing? I was under the impression not using your character for a while would make him hungry, but he wouldn't die instantly when you play again as long as you eat. Was I wrong? I didn't play for 3 days in a row and when I came back my character's food and water was blinking red, but I didn't die. I ate and drank and everything was fine.
  7. So now there are pickpocket bandits too?
  8. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Nothing is ever going to be completely realistic; keep in mind we are talking about a game here, not an "apocalypse scenario simulator." However in a real apocalypse scenario people who will kill others for supplies may well dress differently so others of their kind do not kill them; it is almost as if there are two teams. I realize this isn't necessarily a valid example, but many movies/books with post apocalyptic settings tend to portray these "bandits" as different from the "good" characters; in the Mad Max trilogy the "bad guys" wear a lot of leather (not sure why...) and similar examples exist in things like The Road and other media. Bandits appearing differently is not much of a stretch. Also didn't Rocket say that before he added the bandit skin everyone was killing everyone else WAY more than he wanted, causing him to add it in the first place? What makes him think it won't just go back to this?
  9. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Eat less, but spend more time doing it

    It would be interesting if the food system was more complex in general. Different foods could replenish different amounts depending on what they are; a steak would probably give more food than a can of beans. I think it would be more realistic if each water bottle had a certain number of "sips" of water in it, and you have to frequently stop and drink a little more water to stay hydrated. However this may be a little too much realism and not entirely necessary. I am sure as development goes on these systems will get more complex.
  10. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...

    I guess we will have to wait and see how the game goes with no bandits; if it turns into a complete slaughterfest then something probably needs to be changed. The lack of a bandit skin does tend to punish those hat actually care about other people and don't steal. However, that may also be exactly the point; in a world like this you must sometimes choose between doing what is "right" and surviving. Perhaps he is a DICE dev in disguise?