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Mjolnir (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mjolnir (DayZ)

  1. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Dying needs to have consequences

    It's time to bring out this quote: It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take away all he's got, and all he's ever gonna have. OP clearly has never ventured up north; the Winchester and M1911 are everywhere down south. If you had put in hours getting up north and then finding military weapons you would not devalue the lives of players who do so as much.
  2. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Zeds see through Walls?

    Not only do they see through walls, but they go through walls and attack you. I have had this happen many times, mostly in firehouses.
  3. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Can not place a tent

    Does rocket know about this? Any idea if it is going to make the next patch?
  4. Mjolnir (DayZ)


    Rocket I would like to thank you for proving to the amateurs and EA/DICE that Modding IS NOT A "DECLINING TREND" and that people DO want complex, deep games (in contrast to BF3, which has been severely dumbed down when compared with BF2 and BF2142 to "lower the complexity threshold" and cater to the lowest common denominator).
  5. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    A question about infected speeds

    Zombies should not be able to find you after they no longer have line of sight to you. I attracted a zombie horde and started running; I then threw a smoke grenade which distracted them until it dispersed. While the zombies were occupied with the smoke grenade I ran a few hundred feet and went prone, expecting the zombies to lose track of me and revert to their normal walking state. However, as soon as the smoke dissipated they came running straight towards me, even though I was over a small hill and prone in deep underbrush. Please remove the zombie wallhacks and aimbots.
  6. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    "People Don't Want Day Z"

    In other words, DICE are wrong and have no idea what they are talking about. BF3 has definitely gone down the opposite road as Day Z with unnecessary dumbing down, all because DICE think people don't care about strategy or patience anymore.
  7. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    How well geared are you?

    M14 (with aimpoint sight) with 6 DMR mags (and one in the gun) G17 with 3 mags (and one in the gun) 1 frag grenade 3 or so smoke grenades ALICE pack GPS, Compass, Watch, Map, Toolbox, Matches, Hunting Knife, Binocs 4 or so cooked meat and a few food cans 3 canteens and 3 cans of soda 2 red chemlights 1 blood bag and some other medical supplies (bandages, morphine etc.)
  8. Mjolnir (DayZ)


    I would never do this with a PvP encounter, but I have done this on a few rare occasions with zombies. I accidentally triggered some zombies at the NW airfield (mostly because some bandit was trying to snipe me with little success). I ran with the horde chasing after me; I threw a smoke grenade to distract them and then ran into the forest and started crawling away. However, once the smoke dissipated the zombies somehow managed to run after and attack me even though they had no line of sight and no way to see me (I was in prone "invisimode" and not making any noise). I then disconnected because I didn't really feel like losing my character because of some omnipotent zombies. Zombies need to have limitations, because right now they can chase you FOREVER and find you no matter where you are. Basically, if you manage to distract zombies with a smoke grenade they should not be able to reacquire you; they should go back into the "ambling about" state until you alert them again. Smoke grenades seem pretty useless right now, since the zombies are apparently able to find me no matter where I am even after I am far away and prone.
  9. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    If you want to stay alive, head up north. I have spent the past few days chilling out around there and have seen very few other people, friendly or otherwise. It isn't too hard to just keep to yourself. I had some close calls on the NW airfield, but that is the be expected.
  10. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Spawned back South

    Not only did I spawn in the south, I spawned on the pier in Cherno with 8.5K blood, bleeding and in pain (I had logged off with everything green and over 11K blood north of Stary Sobor). Somehow I managed to make it back up north; it would be a shame to lose my 20+ hour character with M14 (with 5 DMR mags), ALICE backpack and GPS to some silly Cherno noob because the game lost track of my location.
  11. This would never ever ever ever EVER work. It's an interesting idea, but it isn't going to happen with random people.
  12. Max Rockatansky + dog + bike = Day Z? Please tell me more.
  13. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    CZ or Enfield?

    Are you asking which weapon is best for getting killed by zombies? I would say they are pretty much equal. They are both obnoxiously loud and will get you swarmed pretty quickly. Only noobs kill zombies anyway; it is much easier to avoid them.
  14. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Military loot spots

    Here you go: http://i.imgur.com/jaPhPh.jpg I think it might be missing a few deer stands, but overall it is pretty accurate.
  15. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Day Z amazing, Arma II poor interface

    I like the new menu system. It lets me choose exactly what I want to eat or drink so it doesn't use up cans of soda when I want to use a canteen, or use cooked meat when I have full blood and only need a can of food.
  16. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Spawn Bug

    I logged off in Stary Sobor last night in perfect health with just over 11K blood. When I logged in today I spawned on the Cherno Pier next to the water (pretty much the most dangerous place to be) bleeding, in pain, and down to 8K blood. Luckily I managed to make it inland and fix myself up; if I had lost my M14, GPS, and whole host of other supplies to this I would have been rather annoyed.
  17. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Player names

    Are you serious? Identifying players is part of the game? How the hell are we supposed to differentiate people when they look EXACTLY THE SAME? In real life humans are VERY good at telling faces apart, but most of the models in this game have one of a few faces. Since direct chat doesn't seem to work at all the only way to communicate with players in your area is to say "guy on top of that thing in cherno, don't shoot" and hope they know who the hell you are talking to. In real life you would probably say "guy wearing the red coat" or something, but since pretty much everyone looks the same this is not possible either.
  18. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Cannibalism and You.

    I have thought of this as well. Since this is an alpha, I think trying new and potentially controversial things is a good idea. In real life there would be nothing actually stopping you from eating a dead non zombie survivor the same as a cow or a pig; after all we are all mammals. If you are starving to death and you find a body with no food on it, what would you do in real life? You probably wouldn't choose to die. However I think after a certain amount of time the meat should become rotten, and eating it will make you sick even if you cook it. Also adding cannibalism might make the game controversial and give it even more publicity, which means more players.
  19. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Player names

    I agree. People complain about the name system because it is a form of autospotting, but having no names at all is quite annoying when you are in a group of 5 people who all look the same. We need names, even if they only work when you are 10 feet away.
  20. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Psychology of the Murderer.

    The problem is that things like you suggest are actual punishments, while a bandit skin is not. A bandit skin makes no judgement on you, it just makes you appear different. This may lead you to get shot more by survivors, but it also may lead you to get shot less by other bandits. The game itself doesn't make it a punishment, other players do. That is why i felt the bandit skin was a good idea; obviously rocket didn't agree.
  21. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Winchester rifle personal Death sentance

    I never shoot zombies. I have been alive for probably 20+ hours and I only have 28 zombie kills. It is much safer to just Sam Fisher around them.
  22. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    26 Murders and counting

    I pretty much assume that at ALL TIMES there is a bandit aiming a sniper rifle at me. I pretty much always prone or crouch (if I am going through tall grass) and I am constantly checking 360 degrees around me for any player characters. I also scan a town with binocs for a good minute or so before I enter it, and I only enter towns when I have to. I rarely ever fire my weapon so as to not attract attention. I also stay off the roads; I usually travel uphill from them in the woods so I have a good view of any traffic there. If you want to survive in this game you don't need to be a murderer, but you can't be "friendly" either. You need to be crazy paranoid or you are going to get killed a lot. I stay away from random people and ASSUME they are going to shoot me. This doesn't mean I shoot first, but I do avoid them. I have yet to murder another survivor doing this.
  23. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    But will we be able to CRAFT HATS?
  24. Mjolnir (DayZ)

    Lumberjack Simulator?

    After walking in the rain my temp went all the way down to zero, and I went outside when it was around 10 (it kept dropping). Being out in the sun doesn't seem to help when it definitely should. Basically if this isn't fixed people are going to start disconnecting when it rains.