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Everything posted by Saven

  1. Tell your biggest horror stories you have! I wan't to hear about Green Mountain! I have no great stories yet, but being shot at, and escaping, was amazing... Escaping my hunter, to only turn him into the hunted, but yet not finding him..man, my heart was pounding...
  2. Well, earlier today, I went on a low pop server and spawned in elektro, so i was running around, found weapons, loot and gear, and i see a guy run into the church, so I fire at him (yes, Ive become evil...sometimes, but mostly paranoid) but anyway, I miss by an inch and he unloads onto me clips of makarovs (WORST PISTOL EVER) does no damage to me, so He's chasing me, I'm running, i get into the fire house and camp the stairs, meanwhile hes on the roof and shoots at me, so I say Truce? and he went Ha? So, He continues firing at me, I run down the stairs and all of a sudden i hear screams and then it says Esse has died. I started LAUGHING so hard, he pulled like 10 zombies onto him, and he was geared to the max, i killed the zombies, got his loot, Alice pack filled with medical supplies, and went on my way...still laughing. Anyway, Im in a building, i hear shots and see a guy in the church, so I'm wary and then I do something stupid, Sit in plain site in the building changing mags to revolver rounds, when i turn around...BAM shot in the face like 10 times and I died... Damn Karma! So, I logged off, spent time with me mum, then went on another server, and found a dead body with a CZ 550 and 3 rounds, along with 6 mags of Lee Einfield and medical supplies, so I logged off there, hehe. What are your karma stories?
  3. Saven

    Oh dear, Karma

    Yeah, I had an experience like that, Gave a guy a blood transfusion in Cherno, we went our separate ways and i see a dead body, I go to loot it, BAM, sniped -_-
  4. I have Anger Issues irl, So...I rage a lot...and most online games make me....rage...a lot, even single player games make me rage...a lot.. I love a challenge, don't get me wrong, I love hard games, but some games provide a challenge, but no fun, or are so brutally punishing, it has no fun, I.E Age of Wonders, that game irked me lol. If it is challenging and fun, bring it on, if it is challenging and it isnt fun, and is just a hair pulling curse word party, ill stay away from it..
  5. Saven

    Sniped by a winchester...

    You're a dick
  6. Well, Im having a blast, following everyones advice here to stay the hell out of dodge, so, My dad starts watching me, I find a CZ Sniper, and im like WOOHOO, and showing my dad how far it scopes, as he wanted to know, WELLL, Someone started shooting at me, haha, i got the hell out of there, went back, no where found, saw a GIANT Tower in the distance and said, ILL GO THERE... I have no idea where i am, any help would be appreciated, its a tower that is surrounded by chainlink fence and a Stone fence, and there are military zombies, but no loot.. Any one know where i am?! I have no map loll
  7. Im at green mountain =3
  8. Saven

    Horror Stories!

  9. Whats happened at green mountain!?
  10. My god, I run around Cherno looking for loot to survive then to high tail it out of there, only to run into assholes who have to stroke their epeen by killing someone who has NO WEAPON AND who is saying ON VOICE Chat, FRIENDLY, FRESH SPAWN, FRIENDLY, to be shot down in cold blood for no fucking reason. I love this mod, but its pissing me right the flying fuck off. I don't want to have to shoot everyone on sight, but if that what i have to do. I have no ill intent towards anyone, but i'm seriously going to go off the deep end.. Any Suggestions!? Just ARGH
  11. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    I have been adapting actually, ive gotten very good at sneaking into cherno and leaving, I only die after leaving cherno now, but thats due to hackers teleporting me everywhere and turning me into a dog. I'm staying the hell away from Cherno from now on, i'm just gonna go around it to Berezino or Castle Zub,
  12. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    Im like 1-2 days old xD
  13. Keep on fighting, its a TON Of fun ..after you get passed dying 20 times xD, its such fun, honestly. I like it...No sarcasm STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT, I MEAN IT. ITS FUN!
  14. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    I was near some factories, running away from some zombies, i ran into the same people twice, they seemed friendly enough, I even shouted to them, SORRY, BEING CHASED, WATCH OUTT, then they shot me in the face -__
  15. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    I shall do that, last time i went to a barn though, a hacker killed me XD, Bah, I shall find a loot map, thank you kind sir, i use this http://dayzmap.info/ to get around until i find a map
  16. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    I said HARDLY go near anyone, not, I AVOID EVERYONE Or atleast try damn hard I spawned in Elektro, wanted to check it out and get food, Bam, dead
  17. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    I always spawn nearest Cherno, Furthest Ive been is Kamenka, Ive spawned ONCE at Elektro , I have no way of getting to berezino except by foot, which would take 30+ Minutes, and its hard enough to find food in the small villages, I have to risk cherno or else I die
  18. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    Mann, I survived NW Airfield, with 10 zombies on me with 7k HP, Got teleported back after i got up to 9k, Promptly quit, i didn't want to die to a hackers epeen, came back,found an AK74, was ecstatic, then I found other guns like the M16 and M4 with Grenade launcher, it was AMAZING, its a rush, finding new stuff. I don't get too attached to my gear, but when someone sees me and im hiding, I make no noise, and they know im there, it makes me sad, hackers, i tell you, so I die to hackers, thats what irks me. It also irks me if im running around with a hatchet, and im gunned down, Bah, I just respawn and try to go somewhere else lol New looootttt...
  19. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    I CANT QUIT THIS DAMN MOD, it has me in its Zombie, Bandit grips! I want to quit it, but it calls me back, I broke my headset Q_Q, BAH, i will survive and continue to survive... I just don't know how to get to any other cities without a map very well, as Cherno has everything i need, I get it there, the bare necessities and then I get the hell out of there, I once got a Winchester and a Revolver and i had a knife, hatchet and matches and I was like HUZZAH, time to go somewhere new...Teleported and turned into a dog by a hacker Q_Q... GAH I Want to hate this game, but i love it so Anyone wanna play when my Arma 2 re-installs xD
  20. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    WELL, im done, my love for this game is gone. Tired of being murdered everywhere I Go when i scream friendly, I AVOID people like the plague and yet they still find me, Ive been teleported to the Airfield by hackers who place bear traps everywhere, Ive been hidden inside a building and yet, someone found an dkilled me when i wasn't visible, it was a fun ride, but fuck it, its not worth the stress.
  21. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    I'm taking a small break, add me on Steam if ye want, Runegarth
  22. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    I've joined 6-7 Servers if not more and everyone has a hacker on it, Every single one -_-
  23. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    I only know to get stuff in Cherno, starting without a map is a bit hard and I dont mind it, but i only know where Cherno is, I cannot find gear in ANY Of the other small towns, ive looked and always found nothing, so I have to risk Cherno, but once i get my stuff, I get the fuck out of Cherno, and go on my merry way, and its about this time when a hacker teleports me and every other survivor together and im promptly killed.
  24. Saven

    Breaking Point <.<

    well, I went back to cherno, got food and water at the super market, a Winchester, AND then i found a revolver, then i got the hell out of there, wooo, im alive still! Oh look, A hacker killed me, just fucking great, im done with this game