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About efstratios

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    On the Coast
  1. efstratios

    Graphics Card Suggestion?

    Get the new Nvidia 660ti, trust me. It also comes with a free copy of Borderlands 2.
  2. efstratios


    I just want to point out that humans are only apex predators when using tools/weapons/traps. It's pretty much impossible for a human being to kill another large animal with just our body. Before humans developed tools to kill with we were not predators. The zombies in this game do not have weapons. Perhaps they have super strength, but you can't call a weaponless human an apex predator. Of course when a human wields a firearm or another sort of weapon then we transform into an apex predator. But would a human without a weapon run up to a lion or a bear and take it's food? Essentially, the zombies who are weaponless and can die from a single firearm shot, are running at the true apex predator in Dayz, the survivor with a weapon, and attempting to eat them. So logic doesn't work here with regard to apex predators. I think the zombies in their demented state might still run at even an armed human because they're blinded by some sort of hungry rage and ignorance, not because they're apex predators lol.
  3. http://www.sticed.com/MaxHighresChernarusLootV1.png