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Posts posted by SpareChange

  1. I had this problem aswell. It turned out that I just didn't wait long enough. I usually have to wait for about 3 minutes max. Then I just exit.

    Try to find a server that doesn't have many people and a low ping. I usually play on servers with 7/40 people or so and around 30-50 ping.

    Also, do you use SixUpdater? that solved the installing part for me.

    Also, take a look at this:


    Hi Nighthawk4,

    Its true what you say but im in a clan and i cant join the clans host server. What am i to do there? Ive tried to join servers you suggested and it works but i need to join my clans server

  2. Me and my friends have been playing on this server seattle 116 and now for some reason i get stuck at loading and i cant join but my friends are i even tried re installing the beta patch And that didn't work So i unistalled dayz renistalled it and i still cant join it? Can some one help me.

    Hey Syphon i got the same problem too. its been about 2 days now and i cant wait for this to get fixed. T,T
