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About SpareChange

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SpareChange

    Stuck on loading need help!

    Hi Nighthawk4, Its true what you say but im in a clan and i cant join the clans host server. What am i to do there? Ive tried to join servers you suggested and it works but i need to join my clans server
  2. SpareChange

    cant join server

    Hey Syphon i got the same problem too. its been about 2 days now and i cant wait for this to get fixed. T,T
  3. SpareChange

    Day Z - Stuck in final loading screen

    Hi Malhiem, If you figure out a way to fix this bug/problem please post what you did in order for it to work. Deprivation oh DayZ is too harsh for my well being. Thanks dude
  4. SpareChange

    Day Z - Stuck in final loading screen

    Im having the exact same problem as Malhiem at the moment. Ever since last night i could not join Any due to the loading screen being stuck. I have tripple checked for every type of update and im sure malhiem has done the same.