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About Zacharysan

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Zacharysan

    story time about buggy DayZ

    Do you think they did this on purpose? You are Alpha testing a mod
  2. Zacharysan

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Uh, being teleported in the sky along with parachuting cows, splatted on a jet
  3. No point, No word, Nothing to do but wait Im pretty sure, if i log in, i will respawn at the beach, with no backpack, Nothing So im waiting for the fix
  4. Zacharysan

    Hacker swarm

    So every day i come on, Even on the servers with no one on, A few people pop up in, Hackers Its everyday now, And now with this "hive glitch" causing people to re-spawn at the coast, with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING....The mod inst worth trying again I mean i was pretty mad, i finally got over the risking, and finally got a car, and this happens Hackers started teleporting, nuking, And on about ever server i went to, There was hackers *note*: This Hacker spree started yesterday, I don't know whats going on but it needs to be dealt with
  5. Zacharysan

    Escape from Thunderdome

    Unforgettably.... I actually won Thrunderdome once, And escaped then teleported to the hackers who greeted me with loads of hacked items All to be caught on a video and waiting to be watched by the admin team
  6. Zacharysan

    Hacking complaints -

    Hackers are on the server Elenkel, Its all of a sudden theirs more Low profile(Esp,Godmode ext) hackers on, And i agree, i havent seen a hacker in a while
  7. Alpha testing that's what explaining i have for you
  8. Zacharysan


    Drop it, You dont want to be caught in a video to a ban request
  9. So i happen to come across of a group of 3, and i starting hearing a loud heartbeat, All of a sudden i hear a VERY unsmexy voice saying "YOUR GONA DIEZ" Nigga please(sorry to offend anyone) Shot those CoD players to the coast
  10. Zacharysan

    Trading NVG's for a ghillie suit.

    I found a Ghille suit in the school house..... Just look for it,not that hard
  11. Laggy zombie deaths, Getting hit from 10 feet away, Getting KO'd Gotta love it
  12. The map, now i have to admit the map is LARGE, For now The map is 140 MILES long, Thats pretty big.... But this mod is gaining popularity, later a new map needs to be made, And atleast double the size as this Because.... just imagine, There is about 5-15 people in Chero/Electro in most servers When this mod gets even more popular... i would say about 20-30 people And loots will be down to 0
  13. Zacharysan

    Died by falling from a tree

    Arma 2 engine is complete BLAM I have broken my leg when jumping down 2 feet
  14. Zacharysan

    Why are people playing this?

    You need to learn that there is actually hard games out there :o shocking! I recommend watching some guides before LOLwhining You are alpha testing this MOD You paid for Arma 2 not Dayz
  15. The server was on Recruit, You should join a Regular, But never anything else