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BattleBear Custom

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Everything posted by BattleBear Custom

  1. BattleBear Custom

    Thoughts On Green Mountain?

    Do Not Go There.
  2. BattleBear Custom

    Pirates! aaarggh!

    Haha funny idea would love to see this in-game for humor!
  3. BattleBear Custom

    we need vampirez

    I really hope this is troll if not... GTFO
  4. BattleBear Custom

    Instant kill cheat - Leg breaking :(

    You're an idiot... There will always be hackers no matter what game... Go get your gear back.
  5. BattleBear Custom

    Hackers kidnapped me.

    Just no.
  6. So the title says you lost it because of the update... But really it was the server restart... Interesting.
  7. unconfirmed it doesn't spawn there or at the mountain we do not speak of. Doesn't spawn north of berezino either
  8. BattleBear Custom

    Running and Shooting?

    It doesn't .
  9. BattleBear Custom

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    I would love to see bandit indicators up!
  10. BattleBear Custom

    remove all storage conveniences

    Not going to happen.
  11. BattleBear Custom

    You play to much dayZ when... (REAL stories please!)

    When i start hearing shit and immediately turning my head to where it came from...
  12. BattleBear Custom

    Give admins banning rights and why.

    Nope not going to happen... Abusive admins will start global banning people who steal their shit and or chopper...
  13. BattleBear Custom

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    Yup! If you can kill that pilot and you can... Believe me! That heli is dropping!
  14. BattleBear Custom

    No ammo?

    Happened to me also... If you log out your mags and clips my dissapear be wary!
  15. BattleBear Custom

    Day Z is too Unrealistic. Fix or I Leave!

    Ok bye leave like we care.
  16. BattleBear Custom

    Get Ghille suits from dead bodies

    Nope not gunna happen till arma 3.
  17. BattleBear Custom

    Snow in Day z.

    Agreed would love to see this in-game.
  18. BattleBear Custom

    Green Mountain freaking out the character

    We do not speak of this mountain.
  19. BattleBear Custom

    Removal of Sniper Rifles and Silenced guns.

    not going to happen
  20. BattleBear Custom

    .22 LR

    A Ruger Mark III hell even a mark II. As a starting weapon or even increase the spawn rate making it spawn more than a Makarov, a high ammo spawn also. It being a .22 lr make it put down zombies in hell 5 shots except the head of course. Since all of you are crying about gun spawn rates put this in the game making it a higher spawn rate than normal civilian weapon like the 1911,revolver,makarov, and lee enfield. Since its a decent choice for a self defense weapon its small, the price is less than a 1911 ect, and it could still put someone down.
  21. BattleBear Custom

    .22 LR

    Also people please... READ. I don't care for a starting weapon its just a suggestion i don't have any trouble finding a weapon early game im just saying they should put in a WEAK gun like the .22 lr. And make it spawn more than a 1911 ect in civilian houses and such so its more of a challenge to find a decent weapon since the .22 would suck a lot...
  22. BattleBear Custom

    .22 LR

    im not crying you fucking retard its a suggestion for other people since they're still crying about not having a starting weapon this is suggestion.
  23. BattleBear Custom

    got 3 suggestions

  24. BattleBear Custom

    Simple Solution to Banditry
