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Everything posted by Valderos

  1. Valderos

    A question.

    Since Al Gore first invented the internet, hackers and script kiddies have been sharing information on how to crack/hack/steal data. Welcome to the internet. If you can find a way to regulate the entire internet to rid the world of hackers, you will gain untold fame and wealth. Good luck...we're all counting on you.
  2. It's not punishing a playstyle. There is no difference between the bandit playstyle and the survivor playstyle. It rewards the Hero playstyle, which is significantly more difficult than the KoS playstyle. Besides, the bandit playstyle has its own rewards - looting the bodies of your victims who didn't KoS you because they weren't murdereous a-holes. So, its balanced. I swear. People want to be these hard-core murderous bandits, but they whine like little babies when a challenge is presented to them.
  3. Valderos

    Dynamic zombies spawn rates

    I re-read the OP, as well as the links you provided. While I like the idea of the dynamic zombie spawn rates, I'm struggling to understand the idea of "incentives for banditry". In my earlier quote, I was taking issue with you stating that banditry should actually be given incentives. Currently, banditry seems to have all the incentives. You can kill someone else and take all their gear. Just because some bandits choose to only kill someone because they are there, doesn't take away the incentive that bandits posess to kill someone for their NVG's, or their coyote backpack. Its a system of greed, and there really is no recourse for murdering someone for their items. I guess, I'm just curious why you think it is necessary to incentivize banditry, and perhaps what type of incentives you are looking for. I, personally, would rather see incentives for people not to become bandits, as the decision to turn bandit draws upon the very nature of human survival - kill or be killed. It is much more difficult to let your guard down and befriend strangers.
  4. A friend of mine spotted a boat by the shore the other night. There was no damage to the boat that we could see. We decided to fill it up with some gas and take it for a ride. After driving the boat from the shore near Elektro over to Skaliisty Island, we then started heading north. At some point, just before reaching Solnichny, my character began coughing. I noticed my temperature icon was flashing red. My buddy was also coughing and his temperature began flashing red. It was clear weather - no rain. We pulled the boat into the shore and applied heat packs, which changed the temperature icon to white, but our characters still had the periodic cough. Now, I didn't have any antibiotics on me, and it was getting late, so I logged out for the night. The next day, I logged back in to continue my adventures and noticed that I was no longer coughing. I decided to abandon the boat and continue on foot since running is so much faster than boating. So, I'm curious. Is it intended that you should get sick from riding in a boat, or is this a bug that should be/has been reported? Also, is it me or are the boats intentionally slow as hell?
  5. Valderos

    "Toggle Key" Macro to Sidewinder x4?

    There are so many key binds, that its hard to stay on top of them all. But its definately handy to know those. I'm glad I was able to share something with you. I'm not at my gaming computer right now to verify it, but I believe if you look in the control options, there is an optional keybind for Toggle Compass and Toggle Watch.
  6. Valderos

    "Toggle Key" Macro to Sidewinder x4?

    FYI: Double-tapping the "K" button will also make the compass stay open on your screen. Same with the "O" key for the watch. You don't have to do open the steam interface while holding keys.
  7. Valderos

    Dynamic zombies spawn rates

    Here's the problem I have with your logic. First, the majority of DayZ in its current form is banditry or scripting. There are very few people playing the game who forge these "alliances" that would be necessary to hold any sort of safe zone. At best, you'd have groups of bandits setting up their own camps. So, casual gamers can forget surviving in your ideal version of this game. The end result of DayZ is that people turn to banditry because they already having all the tools and weapons they want. Once you have all the toys, the only thing left is to turn bandit and make sure no one else can have any toys. Bandits don't kill people for that "sweet backpack", or for that M107 rifle. They kill people because they are there, and because they can. If anything, there should be an incentive to NOT turn bandit. Any idiot with a weapon and superior positioning can become a bandit. The real skill is in surviving without turning bandit. The scenario you describe of the bandit group planning to raid the safe zone sounds very dramatic, also. It pulled me in, until I realized that this would only work if people were on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What is likely to happen, is the bandits would swoop in in their group of four or five guys to find a town with one or two people trying to find some loot, because nobody wants to play a game in which you stand there playing sentry all day. I'm sorry, I just don't see how it would work out. Cool story, though.
  8. Valderos

    Crowbar uses?

    Bringing more functionality to the crowbar is a great idea. I could see having chests with a padlock on it. If you have a crowbar, you can open it relatively quietly. If no crowbar, you have to shoot the padlock with a gun, maybe two or three times to open the padlock. This presents the chance of calling zombies to your location if you want to loot the chest. Similar to looting the hospital and having to break the glass.
  9. Valderos

    Is the mod dead?

    http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/08/21/interview-the-standalone-future-of-dayz-and-what-it-means-for-players/ Rocket: ...And I like underground as a method of construction of these player bases. It fits in with the narrative I’ve been talking about with my brother, in terms of the setting and the virus and all that. I think my vision for where the players can go is, I want to see them building the world after the zombie apocalypse. So your first challenge in DayZ is surviving DayZ, and that’s what everyone’s experiencing now. It was never really intended to be more than a one- or two-day experience. It’s something of a miracle that it’s got the staying power that it does. The next stage from that is either banding together or deciding that you want to go off and be a lone wolf or whatever. But maybe you’ll have to even visit these player cities are built. Maybe different factions take over these underground cities, and then someone else comes back and takes them over again. They may swap hands several times. But basically having to dig out your city and build it from the dirt is what I see happening. The underlines are my emphasis, but sounds pretty Minecraft-ish to me, Venthos...
  10. Valderos

    Is the mod dead?

    Thank you to all the DayZ fanboys for pulling your tongues out of Rocket's ass long enough to ensure us that Rocket is going to focus all his efforts on the free mod, soon-to-be-replaced by the revenue-generating standalone product. It is reassuring to know that in no way is he more interested in devoting his efforts on the standalone version that is going to make him independently wealthy, diverting his attention to updating the mod in its current form, of which he has stated he has limited control over many of the bugs, scripts, and hackers. The OP's inital question is valid. Is the mod, in its current form, going to continue to receive much, if any, attention? I think the likely answer is, it will receive only enough attention to keep the public's interest in DayZ until the standalone product can be released.