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About ElHustono

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    On the Coast
  1. ElHustono

    SERIOUS Hacks happening.

    I just had an identical experience, on the same server (US#00 NYC308) not more than an hour ago. First my squad was ambushed by a few players in ghillie suits that appeared around us and started shooting. At first we assumed they just logged in and we were cursing our poor luck, but as soon as we spawned back into the game with our new survivors we were immediatly teleported to a spot on the coast where there were several bodies of survivors and players with hatchets. The players with hatchets all looked the same with black skins, camo suit and a red beret (some where in ghillie suits). I was immediatly knocked down with a broken bone and had the opportunity to open the ALICE pack of one of the hatchetmen and loot a bloodbag and some beans before I died. I then tried one more new character to see what would happen. I managed to run to the forest and as soon as I did a player with a hatchet appeared behind me and hacked me to pieces. I looked up what happened and found this topic, figured it was worth adding to because it happened on the same server.