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About VikingBerserker

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. VikingBerserker

    New backpack! And it's fabulous ;-)

    Why is simple English too hard to get right?
  2. VikingBerserker

    Alpha to Coverage causes grass to look pixellated...

    Anti Aliasing is set to Very High. As I said before it's a little difficult to see without movement but it's almost as if the grass looks like the screen on the screen door. AMD FX 8350 Eight-core Processor 4.00GHz DDR3 RAM 16.0GB AMD Radeon 7950 3.0GHz
  3. I've searched the forums and google to no avail. Whenever I enable Alpha to Coverage my grass turns extremely sharp with lots of straight lines. Changing my Edge Smoothing does not affect it but it does look nicer with Post Processing on Normal. Does anyone know of a way to fix this? The trees and grass look much better with AtC on and I'd like to be able to make the grass softer looking. Does anyone else encounter this problem? Below are some screenshots. It looks a lot worse in-game compared to how the screenshots came out but it may give some idea.
  4. VikingBerserker

    Best Character Contest.

    I like that all black look you've got going on! ^^^^ I found tan and decided to stick with it.
  5. VikingBerserker

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    Why does it seem like all of the posts I ever see from you are aggressive and/or demeaning in some way?
  6. VikingBerserker

    DMR + NVG

    That is good and all but the DMR doesn't have a thermal scope. You don't use NODS with a regular scope because NODS have a focus that doesn't work very well with a standard scope. All weapons I ever used in the Army at night time had a PAQ4 or PAQ15 In-fared laser which can be aimed from the hip. I never once successfully looked through a scope or CCO to engage at night time. Turn the laser on, look around the side of the weapon, and fire. Seeing as how the DMR has a daytime scope and no laser it is very improbable.
  7. VikingBerserker

    need help im not a F*cking bandit...

    I second this. I was at around -1500 humanity when I took the life of an axe-wielding girl......instant skin change.
  8. Just had one spawn in a helicopter and go on a rampage.
  9. VikingBerserker

    Has rocket addressed the hacking?

    I sympathize with you my friend. I'm sorry we all have to see these threads choking up the forums along with the actual problem. It's going to be very difficult to get everyone to stop posting about, what I think is, the most frustrating part of the game. I am fine with losing my gear to a more skilled survivor or due to a mistake I've made. I'm not alright with losing days worth of work to some kid who likes to grief people. In a real apocalypse I hope all these hackers catch a bullet to the dome piece. Just as you are tired of seeing these threads these people are tired of being hacked all day.
  10. VikingBerserker

    Has rocket addressed the hacking?

    I think you quoted me for the wrong reason. I'm simply tired of hearing people saying I'm "testing" not "playing". It's a stupid argument to justify the hacking going on.
  11. VikingBerserker

    Stop Complaining

    What gives you the right to tell me I shouldn't complain? Freedom of speech? Yeah that applies to me as well. Good luck lol.
  12. VikingBerserker

    Has rocket addressed the hacking?

    So tired of hearing this crap....
  13. VikingBerserker

    Sick of glitchers....

    Let's get this thread on track. The real problem is hackers. I can't count how many times I've had the "epic" loot and been killed by a damn hacker then have to run literally across Charnerus to get it back.
  14. VikingBerserker

    Sudden, seemingly random extreme lag.

    No, mine is set to normal which is the same as my textures. I'm trying to save as much FPS as possible but I can't stand low lol.
  15. VikingBerserker

    Sudden, seemingly random extreme lag.

    I had it happen recently. I was on a server, everything was smooth as glass. Went to a different server to mess around with some camps I'd found, come back to have my home server at a constant 0 FPS. Taking literally a minute for the starting letters to fade. The server reads 37-42 ping and my ping in the lobby is around 50. Other servers are fine but suddenly this one is not playable for me even though my friends are having no issues whatsoever.