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LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

  1. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    Playing in a clan SUCKS!

    I'l put It this way If I was playing with a group of players this ignorant I'd put a bullet In the back of their skulls, tell them where their bodies are and just camp them till they give up and log. They sound like a bunch of up themselves ass hats.
  2. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Haha next time ;) I'l make sure to find you first :P Also I'd suggest we get a website up and running for this server as the community is pretty awesome already but It's growing pretty steadily so a dedicated site which we could donate to the cost of the server to keep the lifespan up would be great. Also you could upload those sheets of stats up which would be awesome :)
  3. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    ohh haha, yea that was silly xD I wasn't really bothered I haven't seen anyone who can even shoot an immobile target so far so haven't had to worry :D I actually came looking for that M107 :P
  4. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    IM SORRY FEARNOT! I thought you were VK lol!
  5. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Server has currently gone down, were just waiting for it to be restarted :). Also there are no rules about pvp :P I've taken down 10-11 people in the last two days around north so when you head up here ;) be careful :P or I'l send you back down to the coast ;)
  6. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    No problem I need someone to take my as50's virginity might aswell be bob :D
  7. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Oh not you man, i ignored you guys cause i was heading back to the fight scene to collect the as50 among other items from the 3 guys i killed previous to passing the airfield :) If anyone needs a overwatch or someone killed pm me :) with locations and i will do my best :)
  8. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    To the 3 players outside the nw airfield... why were you throwing so many flares around In a dangerous area... anyway thanks for the AS50 / m16 acog :P see you next time :D p.s to the one VK player who combat logged while his 2 buddies got popped :P next time i shall get you :P
  9. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    So True! :D
  10. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Heya, Just faced a combat logger who wouldn't face me, He logged off around 7,35 ingame time can we start remove these players from the server :)
  11. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    I think some are at bugged locations or something because me and santa did an almost 48 hour marathon i went to every town and the entire outskirts of the map we didn't find anything :P
  12. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    I found that chopper this morning :P while going around the sides of the map :) on my atv, also Yes Tapp I was someone shot at us while we came to the top of the hill so we drove back round found a crash site then killed some random player we thought was the guy who shot at us xD lol
  13. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Make that 5 xD btw whoever is making base camps off the map is kinda cheating :P
  14. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    DW guy's it's just battleeye being very touchy today I've seen about 50 dc's today due to battleeye cutting the connection :)
  15. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    No problem at all man, Aslong as there is an answer I'm okay with it aslong as it wasn't a Oh i logged cause i didn't wanna die :) anyway next time :P prepare urselfs cause me and santa play 24/7 and even at night we will be hunting you :P
  16. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    He moved around proned tried looking for me then logged off when he couldn't see me lol.... It's okay about the lift :P Next time hopefully I'l be using my m107, there shall be no escape :D haha gl guys :)
  17. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    lol P4NTS did you really combat log against me :/
  18. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    European DayZ Community Servers by BR4INZ Squad

    Love this server, I'm playing as a lone wolf trying to hunt down these guy's whenever I'm online, I managed to find an svd camo and 4 gullie suits ontop of an atv within an hour today lol xD it's been pretty good so far :P
  19. Okay, So for days I've been checking the hacking threads looking at how people are literally having their games ruined by hackers, hoping to god that I continue to stay lucky and don't run into one. I've heard people are paying for these hacks and people are getting thunder domed which really does make me worry at times, I'm literally always checking the player list just incase I spot someone I've seen before. Today I read another post where a player went to see how many hacks are available, I myself have never hacked par on games like "facebook games" this is due to the fact I don't class them as games just stupid time wasters what everyone got into for a week like 3 years ago or something. So I do my little search on google and what do I find...... Theses so called hackers are using the hacks I used to use while playing things like Zynga Cafe world or something I can't even remember the name lol! I really am sorry Mr hackers, but none of you are hackers it's as simple as search and change the field details, your not even worthy of the title script kiddies. Your an overexcited google searcher who's making things happen rather than just getting the search result you wanted. This is literally hilarious. These hacks were even stopped in a browser based game just by changing everything server side how the freaking hell with dedicated servers is BattleEYE unable to stop these amateurs, the engine used for hacking is years old and any half brained monkey could write scripts for this cmon... seriously. The community can't be destroyed by this kinda thing get your asses moving.
  20. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    Wait wait what.... lal okay these hackers made my day.

    These aren't hackers literally I could tell you the program and within 5 minutes explain how to track down item ID's and add them into the game. If this is the program that they are using to hack the game which it is, I just checked the forum to see more than 40+ posts in one thread saying it's working and undetectable. This is unacceptable for a game with an anticheat for it not being able to stop this super basic hack is just ridiculous. All I'm going to say is if Zynga could stop the hacks within one day of them being released and BattleEye has been struggling for months to keep this under tabs, is not only a joke but damn right laughable.
  21. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    Stay away from these guys

    WP xD lal epic wins. Have some beans.
  22. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    Stupid BattleEye

    Argh. Okay yes this is a kinda rage thread but I'm still gonna play I'm not going to say aww screw this game and quit but seriously, why is battleeye even in use. It has to be one of the most useless anti-cheats I've come across on. Not only does it not prevent hackers but it also boots you from the game when it fails to update. Today I found myself a nice untouched helecrash site, I managed for the first time to find myself an L85A2 AWS and what happens, BattleEye kicks me from the game randomly saying it wasn't able to update. Now I'm pissed off already knowing how touchy this game is when logging off after just picking up gear so I log on expecting my new freaking awesome gun to be gone. I log in and low and behold no L85A2 AWS. Tbh just remove the useless program if it's not going to be stable or work as intended.
  23. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    I sniped a Chopper and got banned for it.

    It is when you got given the gear like that. Atleast stick around till you loose it ¬¬ but w/e
  24. LuCiDiTy (DayZ)

    A question for the alt + F4'ers

    Tip if your using the m107 to score kills and the guy dc's try and grab his name add it to Daycommander and watch what server he goes in once he logs in and dies grab his gear. Be super careful though make sure you've moved positions and check the area is clear first obviously :)