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Everything posted by Littleassassin2

  1. Littleassassin2

    Grand Theft Auto Dayz Style

    Grand Theft Auto Dayz Style :D. Us getting gunned down will come in like 10 minutes, i still have to edit the vid.
  2. Littleassassin2

    I think I just won DayZ

    Dayz, bringing fathers and sons together since April 2012. Good luck and safe travels guys. Go find a heli and raise hell.
  3. Littleassassin2

    DayZ Stories

    So I spawned in Cherno after a server restart on another server in the parking garage and then BAM. There I heard it, an Ural. I scanned the night and saw the headlights and immediately got off the garage and started running towards it. I eventually reached it and managed to get in the back and steal there DMR. For some ungodly reason the driver hopped in the back so I got in the driver’s seat and kidnapped them while somebody in an ATV tailed behind me but eventually got bored and stopped. Eventually I met with my friend DrCrusher and yelled at them to get out of the truck. So I engaged in Grand Theft Auto Dayz style today with accidentally and unintentionally killing 2 new spawns who refused to get out of their truck that I stole and then proceeded to try and take back their truck even though I said I’d blow out all the tires if they tried to escape. I did just that when they tried to escape, and accidentally killed both of them somehow. Then DrCrusher shows up and we're riding along and eventually we find a bus that was already repaired and had fuel. So we head over to vybor and fuel up and right when we get ready to leave I hear a brief and extremely faint voice over direct chat. He decides we're going to go to stary and starts up his engine and turns to the left out of the gas station and I drive like 3 feet and shut the engine off again to see if I could hear the voices or if I’m going crazy. So Crusher gets a little farther away and I start up the truck and start to drive to him when all of a sudden BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG AK something’s or maybe m16s or m4s open fire and I’m like ERMERGERD WE GON DIE so I drove in the opposite direction and hit alt and look to where Crusher went to see 5-6 guns firing at the bus Crusher was in, I then saw DrCrusher was killed. I kept driving and booked the hell out of there and then all of a sudden I’m driving in the middle of a field when somebody with the same guns that killed DrCrusher opened up with automatic fire at me. He ended up blowing out all my tires and I got out and tried to hit alt f4 to escape because at that point I assumed scripters, it wouldn’t let me because I had bandicam running. So I aborted the old fashion way without ever even getting shot at. After like 10 minutes after I aborted, I’m still in TS with Crusher and apparently there’s people teleporting to him and shooting flares at him so I was right with my assumption that they're hackers :P. Videos will come later so bear with me if you don't want to read the short wall of text. I have videos of me stealing the truck, gunning down the truck, and Crusher getting gunned down and then me getting shot at from the guy in the field. When I was in the lobby one of them was talking to me over group chat and he was like "hey, if you log back in ill repair the truck for you" Well, I may lack common sense sometimes but I wasn't dumb enough to not know this was a trap. I just dc'd from the lobby after that and wrote this story since my WMM is herp derping and not letting me save the videos in a format that can be uploaded to YouTube.
  4. Littleassassin2

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    So i engaged in Grand Theft Auto Dayz style today with accidentally and unintentionally killing 2 new spawns who refused to get out and then rejacked their truck. Then DrCrusher shows up and we're riding along and eventually we find a bus that was already repaired and had fuel. So we head over to vybor and fuel up and right when we get ready to leave i hear a brief and extremely faint voice over direct chat. He decides we're going to go to stary and starts up his engine and turns to the left out of the gas station and i drive like 3 feet and shut the engine off again to see if i could hear the voices or if im going crazy. So Crusher gets a little farther away and i start up the truck and start to drive to him when all of a sudden BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG AK somethings or maybe m16s or m4s open fire and im like ERMERGERD WE GON DIE so i drove in the opposite direction and hit alt and look to where Crusher went to see 5-6 guns firing at the bus Crusher was in, i then saw DrCrusher was killed. I kept driving and booked the hell out of there and then all of a sudden im driving in the middle of a field when somebody with the same guns that killed DrCrusher opened up with automatic fire at me. He ended up blowing out all my tires and i got out and tried to hit alt f4 to escape because at that point i assumed scripters, it wouldnt let me because i had bandicam running. So i aborted the old fashion way without ever even getting shot at. Videos will come later.
  5. Littleassassin2

    What next.....

    Well, you could go fix a vehicle but since 2.6 was released i've just been seeing vehicles teleported to areas where nobody can get them. You're essentially just screaming "come here scripters". Anyway, you could also get a rifle and specifically hunt people with the bandit nameplate. Give out free med supplies to people who need them, or join the medics of the wasteland. You could become a bandit (highly frowned upon). Get satchels, blow up important buildings in elektro/cherno. Trol cherno/elektro by putting barbed wire and tank traps around the perimeter of the entire city. Just keep helping the new spawns who don't have bandit skins.
  6. Littleassassin2

    Question about vehicles and storage

    Use this to find out what a vehicle needs to be repaired and how much it can carry: http://dayzdb.com/database/vehicles Also, vehicles/tents do not follow you from server to server so if you place a tent in US 1, and then log into US 2, it will not be there.
  7. Littleassassin2

    24,000m from the shore

    Lmfao, that sucks so much. Yeah i'd go with the auto w and just wait till you make it to sure or die of hunger/thirst in the process. or find a hacker on the forums and ask him to tele you.
  8. Littleassassin2

    How bad would it be?

    Well i have an intel i7 quad core, 8gb ram, 650 or 700gb hddr, and an Nvidia GeForce 525m graphics card (its not phenomenal, but it's not bad, in the middle of the spectrum) and i never get passed 15FPS. I've never tried tampering with the video settings though.
  9. Littleassassin2

    in game map.. scroll speed..

    This. it "grabs" your map and you can quickly look around the map.
  10. Littleassassin2

    Unconcious Forever

    I had this problem too when i was shot by the admin and his friends who were using scripts (didn't know at the time) so i alt f4d, came back and was put into the dayz coma. I eventually died of hunger and nobody could find me because the same admin rolled up on the rest of my guys and massacred everyone so we lost our only L85.
  11. I heard the community there is more focused and stuff, less scripters, more pvp, but that's just from what a friend told me. I'm still debating on it though because the admins can do w/e they want since it's not connected to the main hive am i right? I'll probably carry over when things get slightly more FUBAR in Chernarus that what it already is. edit: Lingor's map is 10x10 (don't know if this includes water or total land mass) whereas Chernarus is a 14x12
  12. Littleassassin2

    AKM or DMR?

    Idk, the DMR is alright but i struggle to hit anything far out even with an m107 past like 500m for some reason. I would personally not take the akm just because it's so loud but you gotta do what you gotta do. I just died via skiddie so my buddy sniped some guy running around with an m1911 and various other things in elektro so i'm running around with his Winchester now lol. That's probably no better than the akm in terms of loudness, cause it sure as hell doesn't seem any better.
  13. Littleassassin2

    Huge ship outside Electro

    Seems legit. This is the 2nd best scripter spawn I've seen. The first is the first time everyone in the GoC got together on top of a mountain and we're sitting goofing off and all of a sudden Red Dawn starts being reenacted on top of the mountain. I started screaming abort while everyone else was like HER DUR WHAT?!? It looked like people were falling with the parachutes and i wasn't about to find out if they were all going to start running around killing everyone
  14. Littleassassin2

    Brilliant Idea!

    This is a phenomenal idea. It would def. bring about the fix to innocent people getting the bandit skin for killing in self defense. In the grocery store and see somebody run in and they don't see you? Instead of gunning them down, POW tranq dart to the w/e, they go down and you can now safely run away and they can safely come to. I'm assuming this would also be something relatively easy to implement as they already have a screen for being unconscious and whatnot. This idea would be #1 in my opinion to implement to counter the number of bandits running around in cherno/elektro just because they're so paranoid. The only problem i can see with this is the greifing. Lord knows there's at least a few hundred people out there who would knock you out, drag you out to the street, and fire off an enfield or something and ring the dinner bell for zombies to come and maul you.
  15. Littleassassin2

    Goodbye DayZ and Hackers

    YOU need to resign yourself that people actually want to play a game, not go into a game where they don't even get to play it properly due to some 13 year old in his parents basement wacking off to his griefing of other people. That's like going into a game of CoD and dying because a tree fell from the sky, on the console. That's not supposed to happen, and you bet your ass they're going to QQ about it. The same goes for Dayz, just because it's a mod doesn't give it an excuse what so ever to have any less standards of a normal game, especially when it's being developed into a real game.
  16. Littleassassin2

    The Hillfolk

    Do you guys murder people? If so i'd change your name to the Hills Have Eyes group lol. Good luck though, have fun
  17. Hit esc then go to options, game options, the debug monitor is the last 1, current option should say default. BEWARE, using the debug monitor keeps your food/temp/blood/thirst green 24/7 no matter what as the debug monitor is bugged xD
  18. Littleassassin2

    The Bandit Headscarf is too much for me

    I'm pretty sure you need 4 murders to get the bandit skin. The burqa also just bothers me because it's what jihadists wear. The bandit skin should be something else, maybe like the 1 that it was before (unless it's the same, i wouldn't know) Maybe just increasing the murder count from 4 to 6?
  19. Littleassassin2

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Also, remember to add me on steam right after you apply, failure to do so will result in you not being considered to join the GoC. To make things less confusing too, make sure you're steam name is the one you list on the application or your in game/forum name as people who don't match will be ignored. If you fix it though, feel free to send another friend request.
  20. Littleassassin2

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Added more people to the group, will be talking to more people tomorrow when they get on. Updated the roster with the new people and changed the status of Bulf to active. For the 9th time, WE ARE LOOKING FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Don't join, play with us once, and then fall off the face of the earth. Even if you aren't on dayz, come join teamspeak and talk to us and have a good time! Also, don't apply, get accepted, play with us once, and then just go back to playing by yourself. Why did you apply in the first place then?
  21. Littleassassin2

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Then we're checking vehicle spawns in the west and we run up to the hatchback spawn SW of Sosnovka and i'm shooting a zombie and all of a sudden i hear "stop shooting shooting eachother guys" so i look to my left and see this guy in a ghillie instantly prone so i zoom in and then go to my red dot scope on my m4 cco sd and lose him for a sec cause i got hit by zombies. Eventually shot him 9 times in the face before i had to reload and he just stood up and shot me and killed me with 1 bullet with the as 50. Then bulf unloads onto him with the SAW and when he still didn't die, he alt f4d like i tried to do. Kid was like 13 too. Hope his mom beats him for being up this late.
  22. Littleassassin2

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Just survived a gunshot to the face and being teleported to the NWAF and mowed down by a minigun with my main man Bulf all in a 30 second window. Failures for the win.
  23. Littleassassin2

    Goodbye DayZ and Hackers

    Ignore all the people hating on you for being fed up with bullshit, i applaud your decision to leave the game until all the shits fixed, or to permanently put it down. Just laugh at all the people QQing about you QQing.
  24. Littleassassin2

    Thats it, i QUIT

    I don't blame you for wanting to quit, theres so much bs in the servers it's just like, why do i put up with this? Hackers came back 2 fold after the fix of tents and started deleting all the camps and teleing EVERY vehicle to places where nobody could get them. All the bandits because there's nothing else to do. It's aggravating. It's turning into a hack or be hacked game