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Everything posted by oc32181

  1. oc32181

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    Sent you a submission earlier hope to hear back from you guys, looks like a decent group!
  2. oc32181

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame name:Matthew Steam Name:oc32181 Age:31 Mic:yes Preferred role:assault or medic Timezone:eastern How often do you play a day and at what times:usually at night from 6-10pm
  3. oc32181

    DayZ Stories

    My group and I were coming back to our camp from a trip to an undisclosed location when we spotted a lone survivor near our camp. We engaged him and he was able to kill one of my mates but we got vengeance on him. Seconds later another thief appears in a tree line with an old hatchback tearing ass out of the trees into the opening. We light the car the fuck up and are able to toss a few grenades and kill the thief, whether it was gunfire or the explosion we will never know. The man on foot is now being hunted and we finally get a drop on him when he cowardly logs out and death dodges right before his execution. Had these thieves made it into our camp they would have been greeted by 5 other heavily armed members of our group and I doubt would have gotten our fucking beans.
  4. I keep getting this everytime a server starts to load, I've restarted my computer and verified the integrity of the game cache. Anyone have an idea?
  5. oc32181

    Kicked from the game error

    Right after I join a server it immediately says kicked from game.
  6. oc32181

    Kicked from the game error

    Anyone have a clue? I can play on any server not running dayz fine