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Posts posted by linuxx

  1. Feel free to come by Atlanta 73.. We're running Regular Nameplates off, UTC -7.. Servers been up for a month already with minimal issues.. Kicks/bans are only handed out to hackers/dupers and people who blatantly dc mid fight. Have a Steam group up for cheat reporting on the server as well.

    I have 7+ years of IT working as tech support/data center and now a Cron job scheduler. All which does me little good though since I have my server through a host as well and have very little access..

    We will check it out tonight. We all (well, some of us) live near ATL, so it would be low latency. I would like to have nameplates, but It's not a deal breaker.

    Cron job scheduler? I think they give out purple hearts for that! :P

    As for myself, I'm a systems engineer in the middle of building the second datacenter of my career (this one is a global headquarters, kinda cool). The first datacenter I built (and managed) was a colocation facility.

  2. At this time home server hosting isn't allowed due to a variety of reasons with one of them being stability.

    While it is realized that a very, very small number of home server requests might have the connection, hardware, and stability to run a DayZ server, it's just not feasible to approve home connections in general.

    That is incorrect as it can easily use much more than that.

    I get it. Per my OP;

    I can understand that you can’t accept applications from every moron with a high speed internet connection and dream, but where does it become feasible to host this from my home setup?

    I might join your server just

    Whats the TZ, and ruleset?

  3. You are unfortunately a rare case, and actually understand what you are doing and what your connection is capable up. Then again, I'm sure plenty of people with dedicated servers have no clue what they are doing!

    I have 4 high speed ISP available at my house (not including satellite). Perhaps I should order a link from each and BGP these bit*hes together... I would surely pass muster then, right?

  4. The server doesn't require 100mbps uplink, in fact 99.9% of the datacenters can't even hit that mark. They only advertise 100mbps uplink because that's what the router's capeable of pushing through (throughput).

    Minimum requirement should be about 1.5Mbps for a massive server of like 80. Now, if you're attempting to run a server off your home connection, that maybe a problem. There's too many unknown variables such as someone hogging badwidth in your home via Netflix or a mere power outage.

    I can packet shape... /shrug

  5. My small group of frinds and I have been playing this game for a few weeks, and are instantly additiced. We have been hopping servers checking out the different settings (vet vs. regualr, etc). We have finally decided on a playstyle that we call can agree on so we have been trying to settle on a server (or subset of servers).

    <start rant>

    It's been incredibly difficult to settle on a server that

    1. Doesn't have an abusive admin (kicking our members because someone had to reboot, claiming that we are "server hopping")
    2. Then you get some with great connectivity one day, then lag like a b**ch the next day
    3. Doesn't change the rules on us

    I have 10+ years of IT experience, so I figure "hey, I'll just run a server". I have a symmetrical 30Mbps connection with no cap and a static at home, so it's a no-brainer (zombie pun intended). I have a rocking awesome VMware ESXi box (UPS, and all), so I cut up a VM and provision double the required specs specified in Here. My application then gets denied because;

    "Due to the demanding nature of hosting a DayZ server, it is required that the server is a dedicated server, not a home PC, and that it's hosted in a datacenter with at least 100Mbps dedicated bandwidth."

    The requirements don't mention 100Mbps?! Now, I can upgrade my bandwidh to 100Mbps at the house for nominal fee, but is this going to make my setup pass the requirements? I can understand that you can’t accept applications from every moron with a high speed internet connection and dream, but where does it become feasible to host this from my home setup? This reminds me of Battlefield and their bulls**t "partner" server hosting junk...

    <end rant>

    Regardless I'm still going to play...


    Waaaaa!!!! :(


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