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Everything posted by davidecibel

  1. lol you must have serious cognitive problems :D
  2. didn't know this! but the first time i saw a "standing corpse" it wasn't wearing a ghillie...
  3. standing corpse. I've seen it twice already, once it was a guy who got shot by my friend, alt+f4ed and then tryied to reconnect apparently - after he reappeared he was there standing, and died liek that. another one was a guy in a ghillie with an as50 in the middle of the nw airfield. still dead but standing.
  4. davidecibel

    Coke, Pepsi & Heinz

    Actually them corporate dudes should pay the DayZ staff for the advertising. Especially Mountain Dew
  5. yeah because from the beach he's totally going straight for the nw airfield with 0 gear, it's not like it's dangerous or the body will disappear while he spends time gathering basic survival gear and travelling there
  6. Hmm, I can't really imagine them taking their clothes off, and I don't want to tbh
  7. how does a constructive suggestion to improve DayZ get the dumbest reply of the year?
  8. What does it mean, what happens if you cross the debug line? I went close to the line to look for camps, but without actually crossing it because I assumed it would have been like an invisible wall. Guess I was wrong.
  9. So I found a L85A2 AWS. I was looking at a road in the dark, when I noticed that the road started getting brighter and brighter. Does that mean a vechile drove there? What else can I see?
  10. It's an Arma II OA patch. I'm trying to make this clear because there hare a lot of threads now, and a lot of people still say "dude, adapt, what they did to dayz is fine". Now, if it made Arma II OA better or not, I do not know, as I don't play the unmodded game. What is sure is that this nerf was didn't take DayZ blood/zombie system into consideration, and that system was balanced around the old gun values. Hence, it was an accident, and it's bumming a lot of people out - apart from the realism issue (best example: M1911. I'm not a gun nerd, but I do know that a .45 bullet fucks you up) - these are the main problems: Lone wolfing is almost impossible now: even the smallest mistake (or glitch) that makes you aggro more than a couple zombies at the same time forces you to run a marathon or get inside a building: a full mag is not enough to kill even 2 of them. It makes it easier to alt+f4: -oh, you just emptied a full M1911 in my chest, at point blank range? No headshot, no problem. I'll just alt+ctrl+del away while you reload, because 7 .45 ACP bullets in the chest don't kill me. Gives an insane PvP advantage to people who have uber high end weapon, hence making equipment more important than skill: "oh shit that dude is shooting me! LULZ WHO CARES let's just line up my 1-kill body shot - He has an AK, I can easily endure 4-5 bullets in the nuts"
  11. I might start sever hopping on spawn locations, it's a thing I really dislike, but I also think it's unfair that only a few people hoarde all their vehicles in one place, which may even be off map, effectively preventing me from enjoying the full content of dayz. Fucking hoarders, I wanna drive ;_;
  12. davidecibel

    Camp perimeter Alarm

    lol stop hoarding. imma raid your camp anyways.
  13. I use dayzcommander as well, but this is inaccurate. The time of day displayed by dayzcommander is based on the server name (GMT+2, UTC-6, etc.). The problem is that admins can change that (even automatic restart influence the day/night cycle as well), hence they are wrong most of the times. Some times it takes me 40 minutes to find a goddamn day server.
  14. I don't like the anti server hop measures because I have no way to know beforehand if a server is currently on day or night, so I'm often forced to try out several different ones until I find a daytime one. I completely agree with the anti alt+f4 though: I'm actually surprised such a basic feature isn't into the game yet (and 10 seconds next to a campfire seems still too low: I'd go for 30)
  15. davidecibel

    I'm tired of not finding vehicles

    hmm i didn't know about that briefing/setting up thing, because I always used dayzcommander. thanks dude
  16. apart from the PvP issues, since it's even more annoying. Zs aggro you from miles, and you can't really use your gun because a single mag can take out 2 of them tops once they aggro you. and a player health nerf won't help: too many weapons would become 1 or 2 shots to kill, and the Zs would be even MORE challenging. not to mention rocks, stairs, doors and bushes.
  17. davidecibel

    Have Zombie Spawning Mechanics Changed?

    What am I supposed to fire, my glock? I can't really headshot matrix-moving targets, they hear it anyways, and a full mag only takes down 3 with chest hits. A 17 bullets mag.
  18. davidecibel

    To whoever took the chopper on 1145

    Does anyone know how many M107 shots does it take to take down a flying helicopter? that would be fun :D
  19. davidecibel

    What if...... Hatchet vs helicopter?

    if you're man enough do it with a crowbar.
  20. davidecibel

    Trading for antibiotics

    didn't they remove the temperature in this patch? or just the temperature display? is it still possible to get a cold? I had it once, and it was so annoying that I started raiding hospitals on my own in search for antibiotics. managed to raid 4 fully spawned without finding any, then died to Zs because at 6k blood they tend to knock you out like they're Ivan Drago.
  21. davidecibel

    Have Zombie Spawning Mechanics Changed?

    yeah zombie spawn and aggro is fucked up. I like to go around deer stand from deer stand to find ammo and supplies, now I've seen them countless time going like this: 3 zombie spawn, and they start walking away from the stand if they don't walk back and stay in the area, 3 more spawn if this 3 more do the same as the first 3, go back to step 1, rinse and repeat also, with the "hearing fix", their aggro is completely fucked up. today i was crouch walking towards a house in the middle of nowhere (literally, top left to the edge of the dayzdb map, after a failed camp raid trip). it was empty, and i've seen them spawning. it was night. I was so far (literally the edge of the spawning distance since i've seen them spawn in that very moment) that the dot of my M14 was as big as the whole fucking zombie. I shot him, go back to third person, and I see 4-5 of them running at me, + 1 coming from the back (apparently there was a little pointless building with a spawn behind me) who obviously made me bleed on his first hit, so I was forced to run in the woods to loose aggro. this is so fucking ridiculous, you should be able to sneak around them, snipe them from afar without aggro, and even if they do hear loud guns from afar they shouldn't start running towards you ninja-zig-zagging, exactly pinpointing your location, if you weren't in their fucking line of sight when you shot. now I can't really raid crappy towns on my own, because if i'm forced to fire my awesome M14 i'll have the whole fucking town on me. wtf.
  22. davidecibel

    Camp Hunter

    nerd who ruins the game.
  23. ok, so now I've explored the whole map, got myself some decent gear, killed some people, got killed a lot of times... it's getting a bit boring. I want to find a vehicle and run around like a baws and get shot. But I've lurked most spawns, never found anything, not even a bycycle nor a tractor. A friend of mine found a pickup a few days ago, but it only has 2 seats and it was 3 of us, so we left it behind and went someplace else. so what I want to do now is start stalking people camps and steal stuff... any suggestions where to look for?
  24. davidecibel

    best location for big camps

    found the places, had to leave though coz i was about to die of thirst, i had to make a run for the nearest lake :D no camps unfortunately... gotta try other servers or other locations, now that i know that dayzdb map doesn't cover the whole world!